Item Menu
There are four kinds of items in QuarkXPress: picture boxes, text boxes, tables, and lines. Any time you need to manipulate an item on your page, the Item menu is a pretty good place to start.
Figure 3.18 Item Menu
Modify (Item Specifications)
Menu: Item-> Modify
Mac: Cmd+M or Cmd+double-click
Windows: Ctrl+M or Ctrl+double-click
You can double-click on the object without the Cmd (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) key if you already have the Item tool selected.
Figure 3.19 Modify (Item Specifications)
Menu: Item-> Frame
Mac: Cmd+B
Windows: Ctrl+B
This is the same as opening the Modify dialog box and switching to the Frame tab.
Figure 3.20 Frame
Menu: Item-> Runaround
Mac: Cmd+T
Windows: Ctrl+T
This is the same as opening the Modify dialog box and switching to the Runaround tab.
Figure 3.21 Runaround
Menu: Item-> Clipping
Mac: Cmd+Option+T
Windows: Ctrl+Alt+T
This is the same as opening the Modify dialog box, and switching to the Clipping tab.
Figure 3.22 Clipping
Menu: Item-> Duplicate
Mac: Cmd+D
Windows: Ctrl+D
Remember that Duplicate always uses the same offset values as you last specified in the Step and Repeat dialog box, or .25 inches or 2p6 if you haven't used Step and Repeat yet.
Step and Repeat
Menu: Item-> Step and Repeat
Mac: Cmd+Option+D
Windows: Ctrl+Alt+D
Figure 3.23 Step and Repeat
Menu: Item-> Delete
Mac: Cmd+K
Windows: Ctrl+K
Menu: Item-> Group
Mac: Cmd+G
Windows: Ctrl+G
Menu: Item-> Ungroup
Mac: Cmd+U
Windows: Ctrl+U
Menu: Item-> Lock/Unlock
Both: F6
When you lock an object, it's not as locked as you think it is. The only thing Lock does is stop you from dragging the object around accidentally. You can still move it with the Arrow keys with the Item tool selected, or in the Measurements palette or in several other ways.
Menu: Item-> Space/Align
Mac: Cmd+, (comma)
Windows: Ctrl+, (comma)
Figure 3.24 Space/Align
Bring to Front
Menu: Item-> Bring to Front
Both: F5
Move Forward
Menu: Item-> Bring Forward
Mac: Option+F5
Windows: Ctrl+F5
For some obscure reason, on the Macintosh you have to hold down the Option key in order to see the Move Forward feature in the Item menu.
Send to Back
Menu: Item-> Send to Back
Both: Shift+F5
Move Backward
Menu: Item-> Send Backward
Mac: Option+Shift+F5
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+F5
I don't know why, but on the Mac you have to hold down the Option key to be able to see the Move Backward feature in the Item menu.
Edit Shape
Menu: Item-> Edit-> Shape
Mac: Shift+F4
Windows: F10
When you first build a bézier shape or convert text to paths, XPress shows you all the points along the path. If you want the bounding box instead (the regular corner and side handles), turn off Edit Shape. When you want the points again, select this again.
Edit Runaround
Menu: Item-> Edit-> Runaround
Mac: Option+F4
Windows: Ctrl+F10
Edit Runaround is a toggle. When you press this keystroke, you either turn the feature on or off. Edit Runaround lets you edit the runaround path for a selected graphic, but only when you have turned text wrap on in the Runaround dialog box.
Edit Clipping Path
Menu: Item-> Edit-> Clipping Path
Mac: Option+Shift+F4
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+F10
Don't like the clipping path around your TIFF image? You can edit it after pressing this keystroke. QuarkXPress lets you do this with EPS images, too, but the results aren't always what you expect. I suggest you stick to TIFF images here.
Change to Corner Point
Menu: Item-> Point/Segment Type-> Corner Point
Mac: Option+F1
Windows: Ctrl+F1
I almost never use this item (or the next four) because it's usually just easier to adjust points and segments using the Measurements palette. Nevertheless, it's nice to know they're here.
Change to Smooth Point
Menu: Item-> Point/Segment Type-> Smooth Point
Mac: Option+F2
Windows: Ctrl+F2
Change to Symmetrical Point
Menu: Item-> Point/Segment Type-> Symmetrical Point
Mac: Option+F3
Windows: Ctrl+F3
Change to Straight Segment
Menu: Item-> Point/Segment Type-> Straight Segment
Mac: Option+Shift+F1
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+F1
Change to Curved Segment
Menu: Item-> Point/Segment Type-> Curved Segment
Mac: Option+Shift+F2
Windows: Ctrl+Shift+F2