SVG's Shape Toolbox
Vector Graphics
Now that you're familiar with how an SVG document is set up and structured, you are ready to move on to more exciting challenges. Vector graphics are generally made from a variety of shapes. Unlike raster imagery, such as a photograph, vector artwork is composed of a series of strokes (lines) and fills that define geometric shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, and freeform paths.
Before you can learn to "paint" your artwork (with fills and strokes), you must learn how to draw the shapes that define the borders for such painting. In this chapter, you will learn how to create the following shapes:
circles and ellipses
polygons, polylines, and lines
freeform paths
After learning how to draw each of these shapes, and after understanding their common and unique notations, you'll be ready to face the challenge of determining how they look in the next hour.