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This chapter is from the book

Structure of a Document Type Definition

The structure of a DTD consists of a Document Type Declaration, elements, attributes, entities, and several other minor keywords. We will take a look at each of these topics, in that order. As we progress from topic to topic, we will follow a mini case study about the use of XML to store employee records by the Human Resources department of a fictitious company.

Our coverage of the DTD structure shall begin with the Document Type Declaration.

The Document Type Declaration

In order to reference a DTD from an XML document, a Document Type Declaration must be included in the XML document. Listings 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 gave some examples and brief explanations of using a Document Type Declaration to reference a DTD. There may be one Document Type Declaration per XML document. The syntax is as follows:

<!DOCTYPE rootelement SYSTEM | PUBLIC DTDlocation [ internalDTDelements ] >
  • The exclamation mark (!) is used to signify the beginning of the declaration.

  • DOCTYPE is the keyword used to denote this as a Document Type Definition.

  • rootelement is the name of the root element or document element of the XML document.

  • SYSTEM and PUBLIC are keywords used to designate that the DTD is contained in an external document. Although the use of these keywords is optional, to reference an external DTD you would have to use one or the other. The SYSTEM keyword is used in tandem with a URL to locate the DTD. The PUBLIC keyword specifies some public location that will usually be some application-specific resource reference.

  • internalDTDelements are internal DTD declarations. These declarations will always be placed within opening ([) and closing (]) brackets.


This book typically uses the more common SYSTEM keyword when referencing external DTDs.

It is possible for a Document Type Declaration to contain both an external DTD subset and an internal DTD subset. In this situation, the internal declarations take precedence over the external ones. In other words, if both the external and internal DTDs define a rule for the same element, the rule of the internal element will be the one used. Consider the Document Type Declaration fragment shown in Listing 3.4.

Listing 3.4 Internal and External DTDs

<!DOCTYPE rootelement SYSTEM "http://www.myserver.com/mydtd.dtd"
<!ELEMENT element1 (element2,element3)>
<!ELEMENT element2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT element3 (#PCDATA)>

Here in Listing 3.4, we see that the Document Type Declaration references an external DTD. There is also an internal subset of the DTD contained in the Document Type Declaration. Any rules in the external DTD that apply to elements defined in the internal DTD will be overridden by the rules of the internal DTD.


You will also notice in Listing 3.4 that the Document Type Declaration is spread out over several lines. Whitespace is unimportant in Document Type Declarations as long as there is no whitespace on either side of the ! symbol. Multiple lines are used for clarity.

Now that you have seen how to reference a DTD from an XML document, we will begin our coverage of the items that make up the declarations in DTDs.

DTD Elements

All elements in a valid XML document are defined with an element declaration in the DTD. An element declaration defines the name and all allowed contents of an element. Element names must start with a letter or an underscore and may contain any combination of letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and periods. Element names must never start with the string "xml". Colons should not be used in element names because they are normally used to reference namespaces.

Each element in the DTD should be defined with the following syntax:

<!ELEMENT elementname rule >
  • ELEMENT is the tag name that specifies that this is an element definition.

  • elementname is the name of the element.

  • rule is the definition to which the element's data content must conform.

In a DTD, the elements are processed from the top down. A validating XML parser will expect the order of the appearance of elements in the XML document to match the order of elements defined in the DTD. Therefore, elements in a DTD should appear in the order you want them to appear in an XML document. If the elements in an XML document do not match the order of the DTD, the XML document will not be considered valid by a validating parser.

Listing 3.5 demonstrates a DTD, contactlist.dtd, that defines the ordering of elements for referencing XML documents.

Listing 3.5 contactlist.dtd

<!ELEMENT contactlist (fullname, address, phone, email) >
<!ELEMENT fullname (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT address (addressline1, addressline2)>
<!ELEMENT addressline1 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT addressline2 (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA)>

The first element in the DTD, contactlist, is the document element. The rule for this element is that it contains (is the parent element of) the fullname, address, phone, and email elements. The rule for the fullname element, the phone element, and the email element is that each contains parsed character data (#PCDATA). This means that the elements will contain marked-up character data that the XML parser will interpret. The address element has two child elements: addressline1 and addressline2. These two children elements contain #PCDATA. This DTD defines an XML structure that is nested two levels deep. The root element, contactlist, has four child elements. The address element is, in turn, parent to two more elements. In order for an XML document that references this DTD to be valid, it must be laid out in the same order, and it must have the same depth of nesting.

The XML document in Listing 3.6 is a valid document because it follows the rules laid out in Listing 3.5 for contactlist.dtd.

Listing 3.6 contactlist.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE contactlist SYSTEM "contactlist.dtd">
<fullname>Bobby Soninlaw</fullname>
<addressline1>101 South Street</addressline1>
<addressline2>Apartment #2</addressline2>
<phone>(405) 555-1234</phone>

The second line of this XML document is the Document Type Declaration that references contactlist.dtd. This is a valid XML document because it is well formed and complies with the structural definition laid out in the DTD.


In Listing 3.6, the element name listed in the Document Type Declaration matches the name of the root element of the XML document. If the element name listed in the Document Type Declaration did not match the root element of the XML document, the XML document would immediately be deemed invalid and the XML parser would halt.

The element rules govern the types of data that may appear in an element.

DTD Element Rules

All data contained in an element must follow a set rule. As stated previously, the rule is the definition to which the element's data content must conform. There are two basic types of rules that elements must fall into. The first type of rule deals with content. The second type of rule deals with structure. First, we will look at element rules that deal with content.

Content Rules

The content rules for .elements deal with the actual data that defined elements may contain. These rules include the ANY rule, the EMPTY rule, and the #PCDATA rule.

The ANY Rule

An element may be defined. using the ANY rule. This rule is just what it sounds like: The element may contain other elements and/or normal character data (just about anything as long as it is well formed). An element using the ANY rule would appear as follows:

<!ELEMENT elementname ANY>

The drawback to this rule is that it is so wide open that it defeats the purpose of validation. A DTD that defines all its elements using the ANY rule will always be valid as long as the XML is well formed. This really precludes any effective validation. The XML fragments as shown in Listing 3.7 are all valid given the definition of elementname.

Listing 3.7 XML Fragments Using the ANY Rule

This is valid content

This is more valid content
This is still valid content

<emptyelement />
This is still valid content!
Here is more valid content

You should see from this listing why it is not always a great idea to use the ANY rule. All three fragments containing the element elementname are valid. There is, in effect, no validation for this element. Use of the ANY rule should probably be limited to instances where the XML data will be freeform text or other types of data that will be highly variable and have difficulty conforming to a set structure.

The EMPTY Rule

This rule is the exact opposite of the ANY rule. An element that is defined with this rule will contain no data. However, an element with the EMPTY rule could still contain attributes (more on attributes in a bit). The following element is an example of the EMPTY rule:

<!ELEMENT elementname EMPTY>

This concept is seen a lot in HTML. There are many tags such as the break tag (<br />) and the paragraph tag (<p />) that follow this rule. Neither one of these tags contains any data, but both are very important in HTML documents. The best example of an empty tag used in HTML is the image tag (<img>). Even though the image tag does not contain any data, it does have attributes that describe the location and display of an image for a Web browser.

In XML, the EMPTY rule might be used to define empty elements that contain diagnostic information for the processing of data. Empty elements could also be created to hold metadata describing the contents of the XML document for indexing purposes. Empty elements could even be used to provide clues for applications that will render the data for viewing (such as an empty "gender" tag, which designates an XML record as "male" or "female"—male records could be rendered in blue, and female records could be rendered in pink) .

The #PCDATA Rule

The #PCDATA rule indicates that parsed character data will be contained in the element. Parsed character data is data that may contain normal markup and will be interpreted and parsed by any XML parser accessing the document. The following element demonstrates the #PCDATA rule:

<!ELEMENT elementname (#PCDATA)>

An element in an XML document that adheres to the #PCDATA rule might appear as follows:

This is some parsed character data

It is possible in an element using the #PCDATA rule to use the CDATA keyword to prevent the character data from being parsed. You can see an example of this in Listing 3.8.

Listing 3.8 CDATA

<![CDATA[<tag>This will not be parsed</tag>]]>

All the data between <![CDATA[ and ]]> will be ignored by the parser and treated as normal characters (markup ignored).

Structure Rules

Whereas the content rules. deal with the actual content of the data contained in defined elements, structure rules deal with how that data may be organized. There are two types of structure rules we will look at here. The first is the "element only" rule. The second rule is the "mixed" rule.

The "Element Only" Rule

The "element only" rule .specifies that only elements may appear as children of the current element. The child element sequences should be separated by commas and listed in the order they should appear. If there are to be options for which elements will appear, the listed elements should be separated by the pipe symbol (|). The following element definition demonstrates the "element only" rule:

<!ELEMENT elementname (element1, element2, element3)>

You can see here that a list of elements are expected to appear as child elements of elementname when the referencing XML document is parsed. All these child elements must be present and in the specified order. Here is how an element that is listing a series of options will appear:

<!ELEMENT elementname (element1 | element2)>

The element defined here will have a single child element: either element1 or element2.

The "Mixed" Rule

The "mixed" rule is used to help define elements that may have both character data (#PCDATA) and child elements in the data they contain. A list of options or a sequential list will be enclosed by parentheses. Options will be separated by the pipe symbol (|), whereas sequential lists will be separated by commas. The following element is an example of the "mixed" rule:

<!ELEMENT elementname (#PCDATA | childelement1 | childelement2)*>

In this example, the element may contain a mixture of character data and child elements. The pipe symbol is used here to indicate that there is a choice between #PCDATA and each of the child elements. However, the asterisk symbol (*) is added here to indicate that each of the items within the parentheses may appear zero or more times (we will cover the use of element symbols in the next section). This can be useful for describing data sets that have optional values. Consider the following element definition:


The asterisk symbol used in these examples indicates that an item may occur zero or more times. Element symbols are covered in detail in Table 3.1.

<!ELEMENT Son (#PCDATA | Name | Age)*>

This definition defines an element, Son, for which there may be character data, elements, or both. A man might have a son, but he might not. If there is no son, then normal character data (such as "N/A") could be used to describe this condition. Alternatively, the man might have an adopted son and would like to indicate this. Consider the XML fragments shown in Listing 3.9 in relation to the definition for the element Son.

Listing 3.9 The "Mixed" Rule

Adopted Son

The first fragment contains only character data. The second fragment contains a mixture of character data and the two defined child elements. Both fragments conform to the definition and are valid.

Element Symbols

In addition to the normal rules that apply to element definitions, element symbols can be used to control the occurrence of data. Table 3.1 shows the symbols that are available for use in DTDs.

Table 3.1 Element Symbols



Asterisk (*)

The data will appear zero or more times (0, 1, 2, ...). Here's an example: <!ELEMENT children (name*)> In this example, the element children could have zero or more occurrences of the child element name. This type of rule would be useful on a form asking a person about his or her children. It is possible that the person could have no children or many children.

Comma (,)

Provides separation of elements in a sequence. Here's an example: <!ELEMENT address (street, city, state, zip)> -In this example, the element address will have four child elements: street, city, state, and zip. Each of the child elements must appear in the defined order in the XML document.

Parentheses [( )]

The parentheses are used to contain the rule for an element. Parentheses may also be used to group a sequence, subsequence, or a set of alternatives in a rule. Here's an example: <!ELEMENT address (street, city, (state | province), zip)> In this example, the parentheses enclose a sequence. Additionally, a subsequence is nested within the sequence by a second set of parentheses. The subsequence indicates that there will be either a state or a province element in that spot in the main sequence.

Pipe (|)

Separates choices in a set of options. Here's an example: <!ELEMENT dessert (cake | pie)> The element dessert will have one child element: either cake or pie.

Plus sign (+)

Signifies that the data must appear one or more times (1, 2, 3, ...). Here's an example: <!ELEMENT appliances (refrigerator+)> The appliances element will have one or more refrigerator child elements. This assumes that every household has at least one refrigerator.

Question mark (?)

Data will appear either zero times or one time in the element. Here's an example: <!ELEMENT employment (company?)> The element employment will have either zero occurrences or one occurrence of the child element company.

No symbol

When no symbol is used (other than parentheses), this signifies that the data must appear once in the XML file. Here's an example: <!ELEMENT contact (name)> The element contact will have one child element: name.

Element symbols can be added to element definitions for another level of control over the XML documents that are being validated against it. Consider the DTD in Listing 3.10, which makes very limited use of XML symbols.

Listing 3.10 Limited Use of Symbols

<!ELEMENT contactlist (contact) >
<!ELEMENT contact (name, age, sex, address, city, state, zip, children) >
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT city (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT children (child) >
<!ELEMENT child (childname, childage, childsex) >
<!ELEMENT childname (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT childage (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT childsex (#PCDATA) >

You can see in Listing 3.10 that a contact record for a contactlist file is being laid out. It is very straight forward and includes the basic address information you would expect to see in this type of file. Information on the contact's children is also included. This looks like a well-laid-out, easy-to-use file format. However, there are several problems. What if you are not sure about a contact's address? What if the contact does not have children? What if the user is a lady and you are afraid to ask her age? The way that this DTD is laid out, it will be very difficult for a referencing XML document to be deemed valid if any of this information is unknown.

Using element symbols, you can create a more flexible DTD that will take into account the possibility that you might not always know all of a contact's personal information. Take a look at a similar DTD laid out in Listing 3.11.

Listing 3.11 Broader Use of Symbols

<!ELEMENT contactlist (contact+) >
<!ELEMENT contact (name, age?, sex, address?, city?, state?, zip?, children?) >
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT city (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT children (child*) >
<!ELEMENT child (childname, childage?, childsex) >
<!ELEMENT childname (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT childage (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT childsex (#PCDATA) >

Listing 3.11 is much more flexible than Listing 3.10. There is still a single root element, contactlist, which will contain one or more instances (+) of the element contact. Under each contact element is a list of child elements that make up the description of the contact record. It is assumed here that the name and sex of the contact will be known. However, the definition indicates that there will be zero or one occurrence (?) of the age, address, city, state, zip, and children elements. These elements are set for zero or one occurrence because the definition is taking into account that this information might not be known. Looking further down the listing, you see that the children element is marked to have zero or more instances (*) of the child element. This is because a person might have no children or many children (or we might not know how many children the person has). Under the child element, it is assumed that childname and childsex information will be known (if there is at least one child element). However, the childage element is marked as zero or one (?), just in case it is unknown how old the child is.

You can easily see how Listing 3.11 is more flexible than Listing 3.10. Listing 3.11 takes into account that much of the contact data could be missing or unknown. An XML document being validated against the DTD in Listing 3.10 could still be validated and accepted by a validating parser even though it might not have all the contact's personal data. However, an XML document being validated against the DTD in Listing 3.10 would be rejected as invalid if it did not include the children element.

Now that you have seen how DTDs define element declarations, let's take a look at how attributes are used in a mini case study.

Zippy Human Resources: XML for Employee Records, Part I

Now that you have seen how elements are defined in a DTD, you have enough tools to follow along with a mini case study that shows how a company could use XML in its Human Resources department.

The Human Resources department for a small but growing company, Zippy Delivery Service, has decided that in order to make their employee data flexible across all the applications used by the company, the employee data should be stored in XML. The Zippy Human Resources department's first task is to decide on the fields to be included in the XML structure:

  • Employee Name

  • Position

  • Age

  • Sex

  • Race

  • Marital Status

  • Address Line 1

  • Address Line 2

  • City

  • State

  • Zip Code

  • Phone Number

  • E-Mail Address

After determining which elements are needed, they decide to put together a DTD in order to ensure that the structure of the employee records in the XML data file never changes. Additionally, the decision is made that multiple employee records should be stored in a single file. Because this is the case, they need to declare a document (root) element to hold employee records and a parent element for the elements making up each individual employee record. The Human Resources department also realizes that some of the data might not be applicable to all employees. Therefore, they need to use element symbols to account for varying occurrences of data. They've come up with the following DTD structure as the first draft:

<!ELEMENT employees (employee+) >
<!ELEMENT employee (name, position, age, sex, race, m_status,
address2?, city, state, zip, phone?, email?) >
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT position (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT race (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT m_status (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address1 (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address2 (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT city (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA) >

The Human Resources department has decided that the document element employees is required to have one or more (+) child elements (employee). The employee element would be the container element for each individual employee's data. Out of the elements comprising the employee data, the Human Resources department knows that not all employees have a second line to their street address. Also, some employees do not have home telephone numbers or e-mail addresses. Therefore, the elements address2, phone, and email are marked to appear zero or one time in each record (?). The new DTD structure is saved in a file named employees1.dtd (which, by the way, you can download from the Sams Web site).

The first several employee records are then entered into an XML document, called Employees1.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE employees SYSTEM "employees1.dtd">
<name>Bob Jones</name>
<race>African American</race>
<address1>202 Carolina St.</address1>
<city>Oklahoma City</city>
<name>Mary Parks</name>
<position>Delivery Person</position>
<address1>1015 Empire Blvd.</address1>
<address2>Apt. D3</address2>
<city>Oklahoma City</city>
<name>Jimmy Griffin</name>
<position>Delivery Person</position>
<race>African American</race>
<address1>1720 Maple St.</address1>
<city>Oklahoma City</city>

The XML document Employees1.xml (also available for download from the Sams Web site) initially has three employee records entered into it. The Document Type Declaration is entered after the XML declaration and before the document element, employees, and it uses the SYSTEM keyword to denote that it is referencing the DTD, employees1.dtd, externally.

The Human Resources department at Zippy Delivery Service feels that they are off to a good start. They have defined a DTD, employees1.dtd, for their XML data structure and have created an XML document, Employees1.xml (containing three employee records), that is valid according to the DTD. However, you'll find out during the course of this chapter that the Human Resources department's DTD can be improved.

DTD Attributes

So far you have seen that it is possible to use intricate combinations of elements and symbols to create complex element definitions. Now let's take a look at how XML attribute definitions can be added into this mix.

XML attributes are name/value pairs that are used as metadata to describe XML elements. XML attributes are very similar to HTML attributes. In HTML, src is an attribute of the img tag, as shown in the following example:

<img src="images/imagename.gif" width="10" height="20">

In this example, width and height are also attributes of the img tag. This is very similar to the markup in Listing 3.12, which demonstrates how an image element might be structured in XML.

Listing 3.12 Attribute Use in XML

<image src="images/" width="10" height="20">

In Listing 3.12, src, width, and height are presented as attributes of the XML element image. This is very similar to the way that these attributes are used in HTML. The only difference is that the src attribute merely contains the relative path of the image's directory and not the actual name of the image file.

In Listing 3.12, the attributes width, height, and src are used as metadata to describe certain aspects of the content of the image element. This is consistent with the normal use of attributes. Attributes can also be used to provide additional information to further identify or index an element or even give formatting information.

Attributes are also defined in DTDs. Attribute definitions are declared using the ATTLIST declaration. An ATTLIST declaration will define one or more attributes for the element that it is referencing.


Attribute definitions do not follow the same "top-down" rule that element definitions do. However, it is still a good coding practice to list the attributes in the order you would like them to appear in the XML document. Usually this means listing the attributes directly after the element to which they refer.

Attribute list declarations in a DTD will have the following syntax:

<!ATTLIST elementname attributename type defaultbehavior defaultvalue>
  • ATTLIST is the tag name that specifies that this definition will be for an attribute list.

  • elementname is the name of the element that the attribute will be attached to.

  • attributename is the actual name of the attribute.

  • type indicates which of the 10 valid kinds of attributes this attribute definition will be.

  • defaultbehavior dictates whether the attribute will be required, optional, or fixed in value. This setting determines how a validating parser should relate to this attribute.

  • defaultvalue is the value of the attribute if no value is explicitly set.

Take a look at Listing 3.13 for an example of how this declaration may be used.

Listing 3.13 ATTLIST Declaration

<!ATTLIST name

In Listing 3.13, an attribute list is declared. The name element is being referenced by the declaration. Three attributes are defined; sex, age, and race. The three attributes are character data (CDATA). Only one of the attributes, sex, is required (#REQUIRED). The other two attributes, age and race, are optional (#IMPLIED). An XML element using the attribute list declared here would appear as follows:

<name sex="male" age="30" race="Caucasian">Michael Qualls</name>

The name element contains the value "Michael Qualls". It also has three attributes of Michael Qualls: sex, age, and race. The attributes in Listing 3.13 are all character data (CDATA). However, attributes actually have 10 possible data types.

Attribute Types

Before going over a more detailed example of using attributes in your DTDs, let's first review Table 3.2, which presents the 10 valid types of attributes that may be used in a DTD. Then we will look at Table 3.3, which shows the default values for attributes.

Table 3.2 Attribute Types




Characterdata only. The attribute will contain no markup. Here's an example: <ATTLIST box height CDATA "0">. In this example, an attribute, height, has been defined for the element box. This attribute will contain character data and have a default value of "0".


The name of an unparsed general entity that is declared in the DTD but refers to some external data (such as an image file). Here's an example: <!ATTLIST img src ENTITY #REQUIRED> The src attribute is an ENTITY type that refers to some external image file.


This is the same as the ENTITY type but represents multiple values listed in sequential order, separated by whitespace. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST imgs srcs ENTITIES #REQUIRED> The value of the imgs element using the srcs attribute would be something like img1.gif img2.gif img3.gif. This is simply a list of image files separated by whitespace.


An attribute that uniquely identifies the element. The value for this type of attribute must be unique within the XML document. Each element may only have a single ID attribute, and the value of the ID attribute must be a valid XML name, meaning that it may not start with a numeric digit (which precludes the use of a simple numbering system for IDs). Here's an example: <!ATTLIST cog serial ID #REQUIRED> Each cog element in the XML document will have a required attribute, serial, that uniquely identifies it.


This is the value of an ID attribute of another element in the document. It's used to establish a relationship with other tags when there is not necessarily a parent/child relationship. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST person cousin IDREF #IMPLIED> Each person element could have a cousin attribute that references the value of the ID attribute of another element.


This is the same as IDREF; however, it represents multiple values listed in sequential order, separated by whitespace. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST person cousins IDREFS #IMPLIED> Each person element could have a cousins attribute that contains references to the values of multiple ID attributes of other elements.


Restricts the value of the attribute to a valid XML name. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST address country NMTOKEN "usa"> Each address element will have a country attribute with a default value of "usa".


This is the same as NMTOKENS; however, it represents multiple values listed in sequential order, separated by whitespace. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST region states NMTOKENS "KS OK" > Each region element will have a states attribute with a default value of "KS OK".


This type refers to the name of a notation declared in the DTD (more on notations later). It is used to identify the format of non-XML data. An example would be using the NOTATION type to refer to an external application that will interact with the document. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST music play NOTATION "mplayer2.exe "> In this example, the element music has an attribute, play, that will hold the name of a notation that determines the type of music player to use. The default value (notation) is "mplayer2.exe ".


This type is not an actual keyword the way the other types are. It is actually a listing of possible values for the attribute separated by pipe symbols (|). Here's an example: <!ATTLIST college grad (1|0) "1"> The element college has an attribute, grad, that will have a value of either "1" or "0" (with the default value being "1").

You saw during the coverage of the 10 valid attribute types that we used two preset default behavior settings: #REQUIRED and #IMPLIED. There are four different default types that may be used in an attribute definition, as detailed in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Default Value Types




Indicates that the value of the attribute must be specified. Here's an example <!ATTLIST season year CDATA #REQUIRED > In this example, the element season has a character data attribute, year, that is required.


Indicates that the value of the attribute is optional. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST field size CDATA #IMPLIED > In this case, each field element may have a size attribute, but it is not required.


Indicates that the attribute is optional, but if it is present, it must have a specified set value that cannot be changed. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST bcc hidden #FIXED "true" > Each bcc element has an attribute, hidden, that has a fixed value of "true".


This is not an actual default behavior type. The value of the default is supplied in the DTD. Here's an example: <!ATTLIST children number CDATA "0"> This represents that the children element has a number attribute with a default value of "0".

So far you have element (ELEMENT) declarations and attribute (ATTLIST) declarations under your belt. You have seen that you can create some very complex hierarchical structures using elements and attributes. Next, we will take a look at a way to save some time when building DTDs. DTD entities offer a way to store repetitive or large chunks of data for quick reference. First, however, we are going to revisit our mini case study.

Zippy Human Resources: XML for Employee Records, Part II

This is the second part of our mini case study on the use of XML in the Human Resources department at Zippy Delivery Service. You saw in Part I that the Human Resources department was able to put together a DTD (Employees1. dtd) and an XML document with some employee records (Employees1.xml). The DTD was referenced from the XML file for purposes of validation.

Upon review of their DTD, the members of the Human Resources department have decided that they are not quite satisfied. They feel that they have two types of information about each employee: personal information and contact information. They've decided that the personal information would be better stored as attributes of the employee name element rather than as individual elements. Additionally, they've decided that they need an ID type of attribute for each employee element in order to be able to quickly search the XML document. The DTD, therefore, has been amended as follows (you can download the DTD Employees2.dtd from the Sams Web site):

<!ELEMENT employees (employee+) >
<!ELEMENT employee (name, position, address1, address2?, city, state,
zip, phone?, email?) >
<!ATTLIST employee serial ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST name
m_status CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT position (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address1 (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT address2 (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT city (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT state (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA) >

You can see that a new ID attribute, serial, has been added for the employee element. The serial attribute is marked as required (#REQUIRED). The age, sex, race, and m_status elements have been removed and changed to attributes of the name element. Each of these attributes is character data (CDATA). Also, the race attribute has been deemed optional (#IMPLIED).

The XML document has also been updated to reflect the new requirements of the changed DTD (you can download XML document Employees2.xml from the Sams Web site):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE employees SYSTEM "employees2.dtd">
<employee serial="emp1">
<name age="37" sex="Male" race="African
American" m_status="Married">
Bob Jones
<address1>202 Carolina St.</address1>
<city>Oklahoma City</city>
<employee serial="emp2">
<name age="19" sex="Female" race="Caucasian"
Mary Parks
<position>Delivery Person</position>
<address1>1015 Empire Blvd.</address1>
<address2>Apt. D3</address2>
<city>Oklahoma City</city>
<employee serial="emp3">
<name age="23" sex="Male" race="African
American" m_status="Single">
Jimmy Griffin
<position>Delivery Person</position>
<address1>1720 Maple St.</address1>
<city>Oklahoma City</city>

In order for the XML document to remain valid according to the DTD, a serial attribute has been added for each employee element. Each serial attribute is set to a unique value. The age, sex, race, and m_status elements have been removed and added as attributes of the name element.

The Zippy Human Resources department now feels that they are getting pretty close to having the DTD and XML structure they need in order to have an effective solution for storing their employee records. However, as you'll see in Part III, there is still a bit more tweaking that can be done with the addition of entities.

DTD Entities

Entities in DTDs are storage units. They can also be considered placeholders. Entities are special markups that contain content for insertion into the XML document. Usually this will be some type of information that is bulky or repetitive. Entities make this type of information more easily handled because the DTD author can use them to indicate where the information should be inserted in the XML document. This is much better than having to retype the same information over and over.

An entity's content could be well-formed XML, normal text, binary data, a database record, and so on. The main purpose of an entity is to hold content, and there is virtually no limit on the type of content an entity can hold.

The general syntax of an entity is as follows:

<!ENTITY entityname [SYSTEM | PUBLIC] entitycontent>
  • ENTITY is the tag name that specifies that this definition will be for an entity.

  • entityname is the name by which the entity will be referred in the XML document.

  • entitycontent is the actual contents of the entity—the data for which the entity is serving as a placeholder.

  • SYSTEM and PUBLIC are optional keywords. Either one can be added to the definition of an entity to indicate that the entity refers to external content.


The keyword SYSTEM or PUBLIC used in an entity declaration will always be indicative of the contents of the entity being contained in an external file. Think of this as something like a pointer in C and C++. The entity is used as a reference to an external source of data.


Entity declarations do not follow the same "top-down" rule that element definitions do. They may be listed anywhere in the body of the DTD. However, it is good practice to list them first in the DTD as they may be referenced later in the document.

Entities may either point to internal data or external data. Internal entities represent data that is contained completely within the DTD. External entities point to content in another location via a URL. External data could be anything from normal parsed text in another file, to a graphics or audio file, to an Excel spreadsheet. The type of data to which an external entity can refer is virtually unlimited.

An entity is referenced in an XML document by inserting the name of the entity prefixed by & and suffixed by ;. When referenced in this manner, the content of the entity will be placed into the XML document when the document is parsed and validated. Let's take a look at an example of how this works (see Listing 3.14).

Listing 3.14 Using Internal Entities

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE library [
<!ENTITY cpy "Copyright 2000">
<!ELEMENT library (book+)>
<!ELEMENT book (title,author,copyright)>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT author (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT copyright (#PCDATA)>
<title>How to Win Friends</title>
<author>Joe Charisma</author>
<title>Make Money Fast</title>
<author>Jimmy QuickBuck</author>

Listing 3.14 uses an internal DTD. In the DTD, an entity called cpy is declared that contains the content "Copyright 2000". In the copyright element of the XML document, this entity is referenced by using &cpy;. When this document is parsed, &cpy; will be replaced with "Copyright 2000" in each instance in which it is used. Using the entity &cpy; saves the XML document author from having to type in "Copyright 2000" over and over. This is a fairly simple example, but imagine if the entity contained a string of data that was several hundred characters long. It is much more convenient (and easier on the fingers) to be able to reference a three- or four-character entity in an XML document than to type in all that content.

Predefined Entities

There are five predefined entities, as shown in Table 3.4. These entities do not have to be declared in the DTD. When an XML parser encounters these entities (unless they are contained in a CDATA section), they will automatically be replaced with the content they represent.

Table 3.4 Predefined Entities













The XML fragment in Listing 3.15 demonstrates the use of a predefined entity.

Listing 3.15 Using Predefined Entities

<flavor>Cherry Garcia</flavor>
<vendor>Ben &amp; Jerry's</vendor>

In this listing, the ampersand in "Ben & Jerry's" is replaced with the predefined entity for an ampersand (&amp;) .

External Entities

External entities are used to reference external content. As stated previously, external entities get their content by referencing it via a URL placed in the entitycontent portion of the entity declaration. Either the SYSTEM keyword or the PUBLIC keyword is used here to let the XML parser know that the content is external.

XML is incredibly flexible. External entities can contain references to almost any type of data—even other XML documents. One well-formed XML document can contain another well-formed XML document through the use of an external entity reference. Taking this a step further, it can be easily extrapolated that a single XML document can be made up of references to many small XML documents. When the document is parsed, the XML parser will gather all the small XML documents, merging them into a whole. The end-user application will only see one document and never know the difference. One useful way to apply the principle of combining XML documents through the use of external entities would be in an employee-tracking application, like the one shown in Listing 3.16.

Listing 3.16 Using External Entities

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE employees [
<!ENTITY bob SYSTEM "http://srvr/emps/bob.xml">
<!ENTITY nancy SYSTEM "http://srvr/emps/nancy.xml">
<!ELEMENT employees (clerk)>
<!ELEMENT clerk (#PCDATA)>

In this listing, two external entity references are used to refer to XML documents outside the current document that contain the employee data on "bob" (bob.xml) and "nancy" (nancy.xml). The SYSTEM keyword is used here to let the XML parser know that this is external content. In order to insert the external content into the XML document, the entities &bob; and &nancy; are used. It is useful to be able to contain the employee information in a separate file and "import" it using an entity reference. This is because this same information could be easily referenced by other XML documents, such as an employee directory and a payroll application. Defining logical units of data and separating them into multiple documents, as in this example, makes the data more extensible and reduces the need to reproduce redundant data from document to document.


Use prejudice when splitting up your XML data into multiple documents. Splitting up employee records into 100 different XML documents so that they will have increased extensibility across multiple applications might be a good idea. Taking the orders table from your order tracking database and splitting it into 100,000 documents would be a horrible idea. External entities are parsed at runtime. Could you imagine parsing thousands of entities that point to XML documents at runtime? Applications would suddenly be forced to search through 100,000 separate documents to find what they need instead of a single indexed table. Performance would be destroyed. So, keep in mind that although the approach mentioned here does have very applicable uses, it should not represent an overall data storage solution.

Non-Text External Entities and Notations

Some external entities will contain non-text data, such as an image file. We do not want the XML parser to attempt to parse these types of files. In order to stop the XML parser, we use the NDATA keyword. Take a look at the following declaration:

<!ENTITY myimage SYSTEM "myimage.gif" NDATA gif>

The NDATA keyword is used to alert the parser that the entity content should be sent unparsed to the output document.

The final part of the declaration, gif, is a reference to a notation. A notation is a special declaration that identifies the format of non-text external data so that the XML application will know how handle the data. Any time an external reference to non-text data is used, a notation identifying the data must be included and referenced. Notations are declared in the body of the DTD and have the following syntax:

<!NOTATION notationname [SYSTEM | PUBLIC ] dataformat>
  • ENTITY is the tag name that specifies that this definition will be for an entity.

  • notationname is the name by which the notation will be referred in the XML document.

  • SYSTEM is a keyword that is added to the definition of the notation to indicate that the format of external data is being defined. You could also use the keyword PUBLIC here instead of SYSTEM. However, using PUBLIC requires you to provide a URL to the data format definition.

  • dataformat is a reference to a MIME type, ISO standard, or some other location that can provide a definition of the data being referenced.


Notation declarations do not follow the same "top-down" rule that element definitions do. They may be listed anywhere in the body of the DTD. However, it is good practice to list them after the entity that references them in order to increase clarity.

Listing 3.17 is an example of using notation declarations for non-text external entities.

Listing 3.17 Using External Non-Text Entities

<!NOTATION gif SYSTEM "image/gif" >
<!ENTITY employeephoto SYSTEM "images/employees/MichaelQ.gif" NDATA gif >
<!ELEMENT employee (name, sex, title, years) >
<!ATTLIST employee pic ENTITY #IMPLIED >
<employee pic="employeephoto">

In this example, an ENTITY type of attribute, pic, is defined for the element employee. In the XML document, the pic attribute is given the value employeephoto, which is an external entity that serves as a placeholder for the GIF file MichaelQ.gif. In order to aid the application process and display the GIF file, the external entity (using the NDATA keyword) references the notation gif, which points to the MIME type for GIF files.

Parameter Entities

The final type of entity we will look at is the parameter entity, which is very similar to the internal entity. The main difference between an internal entity and a parameter entity is that a parameter entity may only be referenced inside the DTD. Parameter entities are in effect entities specifically for DTDs.

Parameter entities can be useful when you have to use a lot of repetitive or lengthy text in a DTD. Use the following syntax for parameter entities:

<!ENTITY % entityname entitycontent>

The syntax for a parameter entity is almost identical to the syntax for a normal, internal entity. However, notice that in the syntax, after the declaration, there is a space, a percent sign, and another space before entityname. This alerts the XML parser that this is a parameter entity and will be used only in the DTD. These types of entities, when referenced, should begin with % and end with ;. Listing 3.18 shows an example of this.

Listing 3.18 Using Parameter Entities

<!ENTITY % pc "(#PCDATA)">
<!ELEMENT name %pc;>
<!ELEMENT age %pc;>
<!ELEMENT weight %pc;>

In this listing, pc is used as a parameter entity to reference (#PCDATA). All entities in the DTD that hold parsed character data use the entity reference %pc;. This saves the DTD author from having to type #PCDATA over and over. This particular example is somewhat trivial, but you can see where this can be extrapolated out to a situation where you have a long character string that you do not want to have to retype.

We are almost finished. Having covered the use of element, attribute, and entity declarations in DTDs, we have just a few more loose ends to tie up. In the next section, we will look at the use of the IGNORE and INCLUDE directives. Then we will discuss the use of comments in DTDs. In the final part of the chapter, we will look at the future of DTDs, some possible shortcomings of DTDs, and a possible alternative for DTD validation. Before moving on though, let's pay one more quick visit to the Zippy Human Resources department in our mini case study.

Zippy Human Resources: XML for Employee Records, Part III

This is the final part of the mini case study on the use of XML in the Human Resources department at Zippy Delivery Service. In Part II, the Human Resources department decided to change the structure of their DTD by moving the employees' personal data into attributes. This created a separation between personal data and contact data (which remained stored in elements).

At this point, the Human Resources department felt pretty satisfied with their work. Now, however, there are just a couple more minor areas where they feel the DTD (Employees2.dtd) could be improved. They've decided that they need to add several entities in order to speed the entry process for new records and to cut down on having to retype redundant information. First, they've added an entity for "Delivery Person". This makes sense to them because all but a few of the employees of Zippy Delivery Service are delivery people, and this will save them from having to type it over and over. The second entity they've decided to add is a parameter entity to give them a shortcut for entering #PCDATA type elements.

Here's the updated DTD (you can download Employees3.dtd from the Sams Web site):

<!ENTITY dp "Delivery Person">
<!ENTITY % pc "#PCDATA">
<!ELEMENT employees (employee+) >
<!ELEMENT employee (name, position, address1, address2?, city, state,
zip, phone?, email?) >
<!ATTLIST employee serial ID #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT name (%pc;) >
<!ATTLIST name
m_status CDATA #REQUIRED >
<!ELEMENT position (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT address1 (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT address2 (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT city (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT state (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT zip (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT phone (%pc;) >
<!ELEMENT email (%pc;) >

In the new DTD, the entity dp is declared first. This entity is used to insert the value "Delivery Person" into the XML document when it is referenced. Next, the entity pc is declared. This is a parameter entity that holds the value "#PCDATA" for insertion into the DTD when referenced.

The XML document Employees2.xml has been updated to reflect the addition of the dp entity (the whole XML document is not listed because only a few lines actually changed; data not shown here should be assumed to be the same as in Parts I and II of this case study). Here's the code for Employees3.xml (which you can download from the Sams Web site):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE employees SYSTEM "employees3.dtd">
<employee serial="emp1">
<name age="37" sex="Male" race="African
American" m_status="Married">
Bob Jones
<employee serial="emp2">
<name age="19" sex="Female" race="Caucasian"
Mary Parks
<employee serial="emp3">
<name age="23" sex="Male" race="African
American" m_status="Single">
Jimmy Griffin

For the first employee, Bob Jones, the dp entity was not used for his position value because he is the company's dispatcher. However, for Mary Parks and Jimmy Griffin, the entity reference &dp; was inserted as the value for their position elements because they are both delivery people. This entity reference would also be used for any new employees added to the XML document that are delivery people.

The DTD for Zippy Deliver Service's Human Resources department is now complete. The DTD contains all the information required. It takes account for information that might not be applicable. The employees' personal and contact information has been logically separated between attributes and elements. Also, entities have been added to serve as timesaving devices for future additions to the XML document. The Zippy Human Resource department has built a DTD that will serve to validate their XML employee records effectively and efficiently.

More DTD Directives

Just a few more DTD keywords are left to cover. These are keywords that do not neatly fit into any particular topic, so they're lumped together here. These keywords are INCLUDE and IGNORE, and they do just what their names suggest—they indicate pieces of markup that should either be included in the validation process or ignored.

The IGNORE Keyword

When developing or updating a DTD, you may need to comment out parts of the DTD that are not yet reflected in the XML documents that use the DTD. You could use a normal comment directive (which will be covered in the next section), or you can use an IGNORE directive. The syntax for IGNORE is shown in Listing 3.19.

Listing 3.19 Using IGNORE Directives

This is the part of the DTD ignored

You can choose to ignore elements, entities, or attributes. However, you must ignore entire declarations. You may not attempt to ignore a part of a declaration. For example, the following would be invalid:

<!ELEMENT Employee <![ IGNORE (#PCDATA) ]]> (Name, Address, Phone) >

In this example, the DTD author has attempted to ignore the rule #PCDATA in the middle of an element declaration. This is invalid and would trigger an error.

The INCLUDE Keyword

The INCLUDE directive marks declarations to be included in the document. It might seem interesting that this keyword exists at all because not using an INCLUDE directive is the same as using it! In the absence of the INCLUDE directive, all declarations (unless they are commented out or enclosed in an IGNORE directive) will be included anyway. The syntax for INCLUDE, as shown in Listing 3.20, is very similar to the syntax for the IGNORE directive.

Listing 3.20 Using INCLUDE Directives

This is the part of the DTD included

The INCLUDE directive follows the same basic rules as the IGNORE directive. It may enclose entire declarations but not pieces of declarations. The INCLUDE directive can be useful when you're in the process of developing a new DTD or adding to an existing DTD. Sections of the DTD can be toggled between the INCLUDE directive and the IGNORE directive in order to make it clear which sections are currently being used and which are not. This can make the process of developing a new DTD easier, because you are able to quickly "turn on" or "turn off" different sections of the DTD.


If an INCLUDE directive is enclosed by an IGNORE directive, the INCLUDE directive and its declarations will be ignored.

Comments Within a DTD

Comments can also be added to DTDs. Comments within a DTD are just like comments in HTML and take the following syntax:

<!-- Everything between the opening tag and closing tag is a comment -->

As in HTML, comments in a DTD may not be nested. Comments may, however, span multiple lines. Generally comments in a DTD are used to demarcate different sections of the DTD or to help human readers understand different abbreviations used in the declarations. Comments will be ignored by the XML parser during processing. Listing 3.21 shows how to insert comments into a DTD.

Listing 3.21 Using Comments

<!-- This is a comment -->
<!ELEMENT rootelement (element1, element2)>
<!ELEMENT element1 (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This is another comment -->
<!ELEMENT element2 (#PCDATA)>
<!-- This is a comment
that spans multiple lines -->

Comments provide a useful way to explain the meaning of different elements, attribute lists, and entities within the DTD. They can also be used to demarcate the beginning and end of different sections in the DTD.

The DTD is a powerful tool for defining rules for XML documents to follow. DTDs have had and will continue to have an important place in the XML world for some time to come. However, DTDs are not perfect. As XML has expanded beyond a simple document markup language, these limitations have become more apparent. XML is quickly becoming the language of choice for describing more abstract types of data. DTDs are hard-pressed to keep up. We will now take a look at some of the drawbacks to DTDs and what future alternatives will be available.

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Last Update: November 17, 2020