Where Are the Wizards?
They're everywhere. The first, best place to look is the home page of your Internet provider. Manyparticularly the big online services, such as AOLprovide page generators to make easy use of the "free" Web space included with your account. Look for links with names like Personal Web Site.
Another place to look for wizards is in any of the many online communities, sometimes also known as portals, that have sprouted up, including Yahoo! (see Figure 3.3), Microsoft Network (MSN), AOL, and Excite.
Figure 3.3 Yahoo! is among the many online communities that offer a free Web page.
Again, if you're looking for a fast page, start with your Internet provider. Failing that, try
Yahoo: www.yahoo.com
MSN: www.msn.com
Excite: www.excite.com