- Water IDE
- How to Build It
- Same Task in JSP
- Multiple Pages in Water
- Summary
- References and Useful links
Multiple Pages in Water
In a page-oriented template language like ASP or JSP, there is a separate file for every page that will be 'called' from a URL.
In Water, you can have multiple objects or methods defined in a single file. Loading the following Water file named "the_date.h2o" will create two variables that can be accessed with a URL:
<set the_date = <HTML> Today is <datetime.today/> </HTML> /> <set my_name = "Mike Plusch" />
To define these two variables on the water.waterlang.org server, you would add the following line to the server initialization file, "init.h2o":
<file "first_program.h2o"/>.<load/>
The following URL's would retrieve the values of the defined variables:
The URL is simply a Water expression that is executed on the server. You could think of the URL as a command-line interface to the IDE. For example, the following URL would produce the same result:
http://water.waterlang.org/<HTML>Today is <datetime.today/> </HTML>