Managing Add-Ins
Somewhat similar to macros are add-inssupplemental programs that add features or custom commands to the FrontPage environment. Add-ins are available from a variety of vendors and help you extend the power of FrontPage. For example, Webs Unlimited makes an add-in that you can use to generate meta tags. It is called Meta Tag Maker. Another add-in called ActiveCalendar from BusterGroup lets you create Outlook-style calendars in Web pages.
To work with add-ins, choose Tools, Add-Ins. The Add-Ins dialog box shown in Figure 3.17 opens. This dialog box lists all the add-ins installed on your system.
Just because you've installed an add-in doesn't mean that it's available from within FrontPage, however. To use an add-in, you must load it, which you do by selecting it from the Add-In list and enabling the Loaded/Unloaded check box, which becomes available after you've added the add-in. Clicking the same check box again unloads the add-in.
Figure 3.17 Use the Add-Ins dialog box to view existing add-ins and to manage add-in availability.
Another option that appears after you've added an add-in is the Load On Startup check box. Selecting this option tells FrontPage to load the selected add-in each time you start the program. Finally, if you want to load an add-in from a script or the command prompt, enable the Command Line check box.
Add-ins consume memory whenever they're loaded. If you're experiencing memory problems or your system is running slowly, unload any add-ins you aren't using.
To find downloadable add-ins or to get more information, see