- Introduction
- Intrinsic and ActiveX Controls
- Exploring the IDE
Intrinsic and ActiveX Controls
The success of the Visual Basic programming language began with Visual Basic 3.0 (yet another Microsoft version 3.0 success story!) and much of that success can be traced to the introduction of reusable VBX components. VBX controls have since made the transition to ActiveX controls, but this component-oriented approach lives on through the inclusion of components that are intrinsic to each platform as well as ActiveX controls for Windows CE that are included with eVB. The following two listings illustrate these controls for the H/PC, HPC Pro, Palm-size PC 1.2, and the Pocket PC platforms.
Platform: H/PC, HPC Pro, Palm-size PC 1.2
Intrinsic controls: Checkbox, ComboBox, CommandButton, Frame, HScrollBar, Label, Line, ListBox, OptionButton, Shape, TextBox, Timer, VScrollBar
ActiveX controls: Comm, CommandBar, CommonDialog, FileSystem, Grid, Image, ImageList, ListView, PictureBox, TabStrip, TreeView, Winsock
Platform: Pocket PC
Intrinsic controls: Checkbox, ComboBox, CommandButton, Frame, Label, Line, ListBox, OptionButton, Shape, TextBox, Timer, ScrollBar
ActiveX controls: Comm, CommonDialog, File, FileSystem, Finance, Grid, Image, ImageList, ListView, MenuBar, PictureBox, TabStrip, TreeView, Winsock
Additional ActiveX components for Windows CE are available from third-party developers, and of course you're always free to build your own controls using eMbedded Visual C++. Now that we've covered the basics of the language and the available controls, let's dive into the IDE itself.