- J2EE Clients
- Types of J2EE Clients
- Servicing Stand-alone Java Client Applications
- Servicing EJB Clients from Other J2EE/EJB Servers
- Servicing CORBA clients from CORBA Object Request Brokers
- Servicing Legacy System Clients (ERP/CRM/Mainframes)
- Servicing JMS Clients
- Servicing Windows/.Net Clients
- Servicing Web service client
- Servicing Clients from Other Environments
- Conclusions
Servicing Web service client
Of late, Web service-related technologies such as SOAP, UDDI, and WSDL are gaining wide popularity and acceptance in the enterprise computing community. Any component or application can express its services as Web services by understanding SOAP calls and publishing its services to a directory such as UDDI.
The Java XML APIs (JAX Package) such as JAXP (Java API for XML Processing), JAXR (Java API for XML Registries such as UDDI), JAXB (Java APIs for XML Binding), JAXM (Java APIs for XML Messaging) and JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based Remote Procedural Calls) enable total interoperability between the Web services world and J2EE.