- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- Introduction
- Management Server Functions
- Section 2.1: Installing and Configuring the Management Server
- Section 2.2: Configuring the Terminal Concentrator
- Section 2.3: Configuring the Solaris JumpStart Server
- Section 2.4: Installing SUNWccon Package on the Administrative Workstation
- Section 2.5: Configuring the Management Server to Administer Cluster Nodes
- Section 2.6: Configuring the Cluster Control Panel
- Appendix A: System Configuration Files
- Appendix B: References
Section 2.3: Configuring the Solaris JumpStart Server
Configure the management server (administrative workstation) to act as the Solaris JumpStart server, for each cluster node.
This section is "optional" and should only be performed during a local (manual) installation, when configuring the administrative workstation (clustadm) as a JumpStart server.
Use JumpStart software to maintain consistency and to fully automate the installation of the Solaris Operating Environment (Solaris OE) and additional software packages. The JumpStart software can minimize operator errors that occur during a manual installation process. Combining JumpStart software and Flash archives (for example, flar and flarcreate), enables quick (consistent) disaster/recovery operations.
For information about implementing Flash archives (flar and flarcreate), refer to recent publications available from Sun BluePrints, at http://www.sun.com/blueprints/, and the references in Appendix B.
Step 2.3.1Inserting the Solaris OE CD
For local (manual) installations, insert the Solaris 8 OE CD into the CD-ROM drive of the management server (administrative workstation). (The vold(1M) daemon will automatically mount in the /cdrom directory).
Step 2.3.2Creating the JumpStart OS Directory
For local (manual) installations, create the JumpStart OS directory by entering the following command in the management server (administrative workstation).
clustadm# mkdir -p /JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01
Key Practice: Where possible, use a directory name that reflects the contents of the directory. For example, the name "/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01" clearly identifies the release date and version of the operating system.
In the following step, ensure that the directory you create has enough space to hold the contents of the entire operating system CD (approximately 1.3 Gbyte). Use the df -k command to confirm that adequate disk space is available.
Step 2.3.3Setting up the JumpStart Server
For local (manual) installations, continue setting up the JumpStart server by entering the following command into the administrative workstation (this step takes approximately one hour to complete).
clustadm# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools clustadm# ./setup_install_server /JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01 verifying target directory... Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_8 product Copying the CD image to disk... Install Server setup complete
Step 2.3.4Accessing Directories Over a Network With NFS
For local (manual) installations, to ensure the operating system image can be installed on the nodes from a network, edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file to include the following line, making the directories accessible over a network using NFS.
share -F nfs -o ro,anon=0 /JumpStart {{Note: Add this line. The anon=0 option allows the install clients access as root to the specified file system}}
Step 2.3.5Sharing Directories Without Rebooting
For local (manual) installations, ensure the NFS daemon (nfsd) is running, then share the directories by entering the following command at the administrative workstation.
clustadm# /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop clustadm# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start {{Note: This makes the directories available without rebooting}}
Step 2.3.6Validating Directory Sharing
Validate that the directories have been successfully shared by entering the following command at the administrative workstation.
clustadm# share - /JumpStart ro,anon=0 "" clustadm#
Step 2.3.7Creating the sysidcfg File
For local (manual) installations, create the /JumpStart/OS/JumpStart/sysidcfg file and include the following lines: (the system locale and time zone entries should correspond to your JumpStart area and time).
system_locale=en_US #sample timezone=US/Central #sample terminal=sun name_service=NONE timeserver=JumpStarthost #should be hostname of admin workstation network_interface=hme0{netmask=}
Step 2.3.8Making sysidcfg File Readable
For local (manual) installations, change the permissions of the sysidcfg file to be readable by all by entering the following command at the administrative workstation (management server).
clustadm# chmod 644 /JumpStart/sysidcfg
Step 2.3.9Configuring the hosts File
To ensure the /etc/inet/hosts file is configured to support the SunPlex platform, add the IP address for each Solaris OE install client (cluster node) to be serviced by the JumpStart server. Also add the additional hostname entries required to support the cluster.
At this time, ensure that the corresponding entries are created in support of the SunPlex platform, including entries for each cluster node to be managed, for the clustadm workstation, for the terminal concentrator (tc), and for any additional site-specific entries, such as the two logical host entries (as required for our two data services).
clustadm# more /etc/inet/hosts . . . {output omitted} xxx.xxx.xx.xxx clustadm loghost xxx.xxx.xx.xxx clustnode1 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx clustnode2 xxx.xxx.xx.xxx lh-hanfs xxx.xxx.xx.xxx lh-apache xxx.xxx.xx.xxx tc . . . {output omitted}
Step 2.3.10Copying Sample Files
For local (manual) installations, copy the following files from the /JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Misc/jumpstart_sample directory to the /JumpStart directory.
Verify these files were copied correctly.
The set_root_pw file is not needed when using the sysidcfg file.
Step 2.3.11Enabling Solaris JumpStart Software
For local (manual) installations, enable Solaris JumpStart software for both cluster nodes (clustnode1 and clustnode2) by adding each as Solaris 8 OE install clients. Recall that your Ethernet (MAC) address will be different from the example shown. Ensure that these site-specific entries are correct for your implementation.
Example, adding clustnode1 as a Solaris JumpStart software client.
clustadm# cd /JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Tools clustadm# ./add_install_client -e 8:0:20:cf:27:62 \ -i \ -s clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01 \ -p clustadm:/JumpStart/sysidcfg -c clustadm:/JumpStart \ clustnode1 sun4u
/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Tools equals the location of the add_install_client utility.
-e 8:0:20:cf:27:62 equals the Ethernet address should correspond with the data gathered for this node during Module 1.
Do not enter the Ethernet address used in these examples. Use the Ethernet address specific to your machine.
-i equals the IP address assignment for clustnode1.
-s clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8 07.01 equals the location of the CD-ROM image.
-p clustadm:/JumpStart/sysidcfg equals the location of the sysidcfg file previously verified.
-c clustadm:/JumpStart equals the location of the rules.ok file that was previously verified.
clustnode1 sun4u specifies that clustnode1 is a Sun™ Enterprise 220R server (UltraSPARC® II architecture).
The following example shows how to add clustnode2 as a Solaris JumpStart client.
clustadm# cd /JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Tools clustadm# ./add_install_client -e 8:0:20:cf:23:a3 \ -i \ -s clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01 \ -p clustadm:/JumpStart/sysidcfg -c clustadm:/JumpStart \ clustnode2 sun4u
/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Tools equals the location of the add_install_client utility.
-e 8:0:20:cf:23:a3 equals the Ethernet address should correspond with the data gathered for this node, during Module 1.
Do not enter the Ethernet address used in these examples. Use the Ethernet address specific to your machine.
-i equals the IP address assignment for clustnode2.
-s clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris 2.8 07.01 equals the location of the CD-ROM image.
-p clustadm:/JumpStart/sysidcfg equals the location of the sysidcfg file previously verified.
-c clustadm:/JumpStart equals the location of the rules.ok file that was previously verified.
clustnode2 sun4u specifies that clustnode2 is a Sun Enterprise 220R server (UltraSPARC-II architecture).
Step 2.3.12Verifying Successful Completion
Verify the add_install_client commands completed successfully.
In this exercise the nodes to be configured for use with JumpStart software are named clustnode1 and clustnode2.
Confirm that the add_install_client command was executed by viewing the /etc/bootparams, and /etc/ethers files.
clustadm# more /etc/bootparams clustnode1 root=clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot install=clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/ boottype=:in sysid_config=clustadm:/JumpStart install_config=clustadm: JumpStart/sysidcfg rootopts=:rsize=32768 clustnode2 root=clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot install=clustadm:/JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/ boottype=:in sysid_config=clustadm:/JumpStart install_config=clustadm:/ JumpStart/sysidcfg rootopts=:rsize=32768 clustadm# more /etc/ethers 8:0:20:cf:27:62 clustnode1 {{your ethernet address will differ}} 8:0:20:cf:23:a3 clustnode2 {{your ethernet address will differ}}
Refer to the Appendix B references about configuring a JumpStart server. Note, also, that if the add_install_client command fails to add these entries correctly, or an older version of the file(s) had previously existed, it may be necessary to remove a failed entry (for example, from the /etc/bootparams file).
To remove a suspected entry for a specific failing install client, enter the following command.
clustadm# cd /JumpStart/OS/Solaris_2.8_07.01/Solaris_8 clustadm# ./rm_install_client client_hostname
After removing a failing node, re-run the add_install_client commands, as shown in the previous step where this was performed. This may be necessary if, somehow, the previous attempts failed and entries were not correctly removed.
Summary of Key Practices
Where possible, use a directory name that reflects the contents of the directory. Confirm add_install_client was performed correctly. |
End of Section 2.3
This completes this section. The Solaris JumpStart software has been verified, and each cluster node can be quickly (and consistently) installed with the Solaris OE version supported by the cluster.<