- Objectives
- Prerequisites
- Introduction
- Management Server Functions
- Section 2.1: Installing and Configuring the Management Server
- Section 2.2: Configuring the Terminal Concentrator
- Section 2.3: Configuring the Solaris JumpStart Server
- Section 2.4: Installing SUNWccon Package on the Administrative Workstation
- Section 2.5: Configuring the Management Server to Administer Cluster Nodes
- Section 2.6: Configuring the Cluster Control Panel
- Appendix A: System Configuration Files
- Appendix B: References
Section 2.5: Configuring the Management Server to Administer Cluster Nodes
Configure the management server to administer each of the cluster nodes as explained in the following sections.
Step 2.5.1Creating the etc/clusters File
The first step is to create the /etc/clusters file with an entry for this cluster, as follows.
<Name of Cluster> <Node1 Name> <Node2 Name> ...
- <Name of Cluster> is nhl
- <Node1 Name> is clustnode1
- <Node2 Name> is clustnode2
On the management server, create the /etc/clusters file, configuring clustnode1 and clustnode2. Verify that the /etc/clusters file is correct as shown in the following example.
clustadm# cat /etc/clusters nhl clustnode1 clustnode2
Step 2.5.2Enabling the Connection to the Terminal Concentrator
Configure the /etc/serialports file on the management server (administrative workstation) enabling a connection to the terminal concentrator (tc) through the ttya (serial) port. Create the /etc/serialports file by using the following format.
At the management server (administrative workstation), verify that /etc/serialports is correct, as follows.
clustadm# cat /etc/serialports clustnode1 tc 5002 clustnode2 tc 5003
In this example, the TC has eight ports, 18. The 5002 entry refers to the TC physical port 2, and the 5003 entry refers to physical port 3. The tc entry must correspond to the hostname entry in /etc/inet/hosts.
Step 2.5.3Disabling snmpdx Daemon
To avoid a potential conflict between the cluster control software and the Solaris OE snmpdx daemon, disable the snmpdx daemon by changing the file name that invokes the snmpdx daemon from /etc/rc3.d/S76snmpdx to /etc/rc3.d/s76snmpdx (note the lower case s). By changing the name of the file, this daemon will not start when the system initializes (init 3).
At the management server (administrative workstation), rename the file by entering the following command.
clustadm# mv /etc/rc3.d/S76snmpdx /etc/rc3.d/s76snmpdx
End of Section 2.5
This completes this section. You may now start the CCP.