Adding a Toolbox to Management Tools
You can create a comprehensive view of the servers you want to manage by adding toolboxes from other servers to your list of Management Tools, which is the root toolbox on an SMC server.
If necessary, start the SMC Editor.
Refer to "Starting the SMC Toolbox Editor" on page 33 for instructions on how to start the SMC Editor.
From the Toolbox menu, choose Open.
The Open Toolbox window is displayed, as shown in Figure 37.
Figure 37 Open Toolbox Window: Server Toolbox Tab
If you want to add a toolbox to Management Tools on a different server, type the server name in the Server text field and click on the Load button or press Return.
In the Toolboxes list, click on Management Tools.
Click on the Open button.
The Editor displays Management Tools in the Navigation pane with each existing toolbox under Management Tools shown as a Toolbox URL, as shown in Figure 38.
Figure 38 Management Tools Window
Click on Management Tools in the Navigation pane and from the Action menu, choose Add Toolbox URL.
The Location step of the Toolbox URL wizard is displayed, as shown in Figure 39.
Figure 39 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 1
Select Server Toolbox or Local Toolbox and click on Next.
If you chose Local Toolbox, Step 2 is displayed, as shown in Figure 40.
Figure 40 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 2, Local Toolbox
Enter the name of the toolbox in the Toolbox File Name field and click on Next.
If you chose Server Toolbox, Step 2 is displayed, as shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 2, Server Toolbox
Type the server name and click on Next.
The Tool Selection panel is displayed, as shown in Figure 42.
Figure 42 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 3
Step 3 is skipped when you choose Local Toolbox.
When the SMC server is running, any accessible toolboxes are listed in the Toolboxes field. Choose a toolbox from the list and click on Next. The Name and Description step is displayed, as shown in Figure 43.
Figure 43 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 4
Use the toolbox defaults or click on Override Toolbox Settings to specify your own toolbox name and description. Then click on Next.
The Icons step is displayed, as shown in Figure 44.
Figure 44 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 5
Use the default toolbox icons or click on Override Toolbox Settings to specify a path to custom icons. Then click on Next.
The Management Scope step is displayed, as shown in Figure 45.
Figure 45 Toolbox URL Wizard: Step 6
Specify the management scope or click on Inherit From Parent. Then click on Finish.
The toolbox URL is added to the hierarchy in the Navigation pane at the bottom of the node you selected, and the wizard is closed.
You can move the toolbox up in the hierarchy if you want. Select it in the Navigation pane and, from the Action menu, choose Move Up.
From the Toolbox menu, choose Save As.
Type /var/sadm/smc/toolboxes/smc/smc.tbx in the Filename field.
Alternatively, you can navigate in the Look In menu to the appropriate directory.
Click on Save.
The toolbox is saved.
Open the toolbox in SMC to see that the new toolbox has been added.
In the example shown in Figure 46, the SMC Console on the system mopoke contains toolboxes for the systems mopoke and paperbark
Figure 46 Multiple Toolboxes on One SMC Server
When you start a SMC Console that contains toolboxes for other servers and the SMC server is not running on any of the other servers, a message is displayed in the message area saying that the SMC server is not running on the system systemname.
Clicking on the toolbox for the system systemname starts the SMC server on that system.
If a remote server is down, the SMC Console loads only the toolboxes that are available. However, the time it takes to load the local toolbox may take substantially longer than usual.