P2P Positives
What products are best suited for P2P? Positive features start with the obvious decentralization of services and move to others that are less obvious. One of the aspects I like is that the application resides on the user's desktop. You can have a feature-rich user interface or use the local hard disk for data and customization settings. In addition, the PC can be used as a new connection point in a relay of messages to other peers. A related advantage is the ability to work offline.
Here are a few of the qualities of P2P that can enhance your application:
Easy collaboration between users
Lower costs for distribution of content
Lower cost for operator bandwidth
Little or no infrastructure cost
Can operate without being connected to the network
Simple collaboration between users or between you and your users
Create very large or very small P2P systems (this is unique to JXTA)
You can easily realize some great savings and some great functionality over server-based systems. Now, on to the bad news.