Starting a Method
The CLR requires the following information about each method. All of this data is available to the CLR through metadata in each assembly.
InstructionsThe CLR requires a list of MSIL instructions. As you will see in the next chapter, each method has a pointer to the instruction set as part of metadata that is associated with it.
SignatureEach method has a signature, and the CLR requires that a signature be available for each method. The signature describes the calling convention, return type, parameter count, and parameter types.
Exception Handling ArrayNo specific IL instructions handle with exceptions. There are directives, but no IL instructions. Instead of exception-handling instructions, the assembly encloses a list of exceptions. The exceptions list contains the type of the exception, an offset address to the first instruction after the exception try block, and the length of the try block. It also includes the offset to the handler code, the length of the handler code, and a token describing the class that is used to encapsulate the exception.
The size of the evaluation stackThis data is available through the metadata of the assembly, and you will typically see it as .maxstack x in ILDASM listings, where x is the size of the evaluation stack. This logical size of the stack as x represents the maximum number of items that will need to be pushed onto the stack. The physical size of the items and the stack is left up to the CLR to determine at runtime when the method is JITd.
A description of the locals arrayEvery method needs to declare up front the number of items of local storage that the method requires. Like the evaluation stack, this is a logical array of items, although each item's type is also declared in the array. In addition, a flag is stored in the metadata to indicate whether the local variables should be initialized to zero at the beginning of the method call.
With this information, the CLR is able to form an abstraction of what normally would be the native stack frame. Typically, each CPU or machine forms a stack frame that contains the arguments (parameters) or references to arguments to the method. Similarly, the return variables are placed on the stack frame based on calling conventions that are specific to a particular CPU or machine. The order of both the input and output parameters, as well as the way that the number of parameters is specified, is specific to a particular machine. Because all of the required information is available for each method, the CLR can make the determination at runtime of what the stack frame should look like.
The call to the method is made in such a way as to allow the CLR to have marginal control of the execution of the method and its state. When the CLR calls or invokes a method, the method and its state are put under the control of the CLR in what is known as the Thread of Control.
IL Supported Types
At the IL level, a simple set of types is supported. These types can be directly manipulated with IL instructions:
int88-bit 2's complement signed value.
unsigned int8 (byte)8-bit unsigned binary value.
int16 (short)16-bit 2's complement signed value.
unsigned int16 (ushort)16-bit unsigned binary value.
int32 (int)32-bit 2's complement signed value.
unsigned int32 (uint)32-bit unsigned binary value.
int64 (long)64-bit 2's complement signed value.
unsigned (ulong)64-bit unsigned binary value.
float32 (float)32-bit IEC 60559:1989 floating point value.
float64 (double)64-bit IEC 60559:1989 floating point value.
native intNative size 2's complement signed value.
native unsigned intNative size unsigned binary value.
FNative size floating point variable. This variable is internal to the CLR and is not visible by the user.
ONative size object reference to managed memory.
&Native size managed pointer.
These are the types that can be represented in memory, but some restrictions exist in processing these data items. As discussed in the next section, the CLR processes these items on an evaluation stack that is part of the state data for each method. The evaluation stack can represent an item of any size, but the only operations that are allowed on user-defined value types are copying to and from memory and computing the addresses of user-defined value types. All operations that involve floating point values use an internal representation of the floating point value that is implementation specific (an F value).
The other data types (other than the floating point value just discussed) that have a native size are native int, native unsigned int, native size object reference (O), and native size managed pointer (&). These data types are a mechanism for the CLR to defer the choice of the value size. For example, this mechanism allows for a native int to be 64-bits on an IA64 processor and 32-bits on a Pentium processor.
Two of these native size types might seem similar, the O (native size object reference and the & (native size managed pointer). An O typed variable points to a managed object, but its use is restricted to instructions that explicitly indicate an operation on a managed type or to instructions whose metadata indicates that managed object references are allowed. The O type is said to point "outside" the object or to the object as a whole. The & type is also a reference to a managed object, but it can be used to refer to a field of an object or an element of an array. Both O and & types are tracked by the CLR and can change based on the results of a garbage collection.
One particular use of the native size type is for unmanaged pointers. Although unmanaged pointers can be strongly typed with metadata, they are represented as native unsigned int in the IL code. This gives the CLR the flexibility to assign an unmanaged pointer to a larger address space on a processor that supports it without unnecessarily tying up memory in storing these values on processors that do not have the capability to address such a large address space.
Some IL instructions require that an address be on the stack, such as the following:
calli -..., arg1, arg2 ... argn, ftn ∅ ... retVal
cpblk - ..., destaddr, srcaddr, size ∅ ...
initblk ..., addr, value, size ∅ ...
ldind.* - ..., addr ∅ ..., value
stind.* - ..., addr, val ∅ ...
Using a native type guarantees that the operations that involve that type are portable. If the address is specified as a 64-bit integer, then it can be portable if appropriate steps are taken to ensure that the value is converted appropriately to an address. If an address is specified as 32-bits or smaller, the code is never portable even though it might work for most 32-bit machines. For most cases, this is an IL generator or compiler issue and you should not need to worry about it. You should, however, be aware that you can make code non-portable by improperly using these instructions.
Short numeric values (those values less than 4 bytes) are widened to 4 bytes when loaded (copied from memory to the stack) and narrowed when stored (copied from stack to memory). Any operation that involves a short numeric value is really handled as a 4-byte operation. Specific IL instructions deal with short numeric types:
Load and store operations to/from memoryldelem, ldind, stind, and stelem
Data conversionconv, conv.ovf
Array creationnewarr
Strictly speaking, IL only supports signed operations. The difference between signed and unsigned operations is how the value is interpreted. For operations in which it would matter how the value is interpreted, the operation has both a signed and an unsigned version. For example, a cgt instruction and a cgt.un operation compare two values for the greater value.
Homes for Values
To track objects, the CLR introduces the concept of a home for an object. An object's home is where the value of the object is stored. The home of an object must have a mechanism in place for the JIT engine to determine the type of the object. When an object is passed by reference, it must have a home because the address of the home is passed as a reference. Two types of data are "homeless" and cannot be passed by reference: constants and intermediate values on the evaluation stack from IL instructions or return values from methods. The CLR supports the following homes for objects:
Incoming argumentldarg and ldarga instructions determine the address of an argument home. The method signature determines the type.
Local variableldloca or ldloc IL instructions determine the address of a local variable. The local evaluation stack determines the type of local variable as part of the metadata.
Field (instance or static)The use of ldflda for an instance field and ldsflda for a static field determine the address of a field. The metadata that is associated with the class interface or module determines the type of the field.
Array elementThe use of ldelema determines the address of an array element. The element array type determines the type of the element.
The Runtime Thread of Control
The CLR Thread of Control does not necessarily correspond with the native OS threads. The base class library class System.Threading.Thread provides the logical encapsulation of a thread of control.
For more information on threading, see Chapter 11, "Threading."
Each time a method is called, the normal procedure of checking whether the method has been JITd must take place. Figure 3.1 shows a loose representation of what the CLR state looks like. This is loose in that it shows a simple link from one method to the other. This representation does not correctly portray situations that involve control flow that is exceptional, such as with jump instructions, exceptions, and tail calls.
Figure 3.1 Machine state under the CLR.
The managed heap referenced in this diagram refers to the memory that the CLR manages. Details about the managed heaps and specifically garbage collection can be found in Chapter 10, "Memory/Resource Management." Each time a method is invoked, a method state is created. The method state includes the following:
Instruction pointerThis points to the next IL instruction that the current method is to execute.
Evaluation stackThis is the stack that the .maxstack directive specifies. The compiler determines at compile time how many slots are required on the stack.
Local variable arrayThis is the same array that is declared and perhaps initialized in the metadata. Every time these variables are accessed from the IL, they are accessed as an index to this array. In the IL code, you see references to this array via instructions like the following: ldloc.0 ("loading" or pushing local array variable 0 on to the stack) or stloc.1 ("stores" the value on the stack in the local variable 1).
Argument arrayThis is an array of arguments that is passed to the method. The arguments are manipulated with IL instructions such as ldarg.0 ("loads" argument zero onto the stack) or starg.1 ("stores" the value on the stack to argument 1).
MethodInfo handleThis composite of information is available in the assembly metadata. This handle points to information about the signature of the method (types of arguments, numbers of arguments, and return types), types of local variables, and exception information.
Local memory poolIL has instructions that can allocate memory that is addressable by the current method (localloc). When the method returns, the memory is reclaimed.
Return state handleThis is a handle used to return the state after the method returns.
Security descriptorThe CLR uses this descriptor to record security overrides either programmatically or with custom attributes.
The evaluation stack does not directly equate to a physical representation. The physical representation of the evaluation stack is left up to the CLR and the CPU for which the CLR is targeted. Logically, the evaluation stack is made up of slots that can hold any data type. The size of the evaluation stack cannot be indeterminate. For example, code that causes a variable to be pushed onto the stack an infinite or indeterminate number of times is disallowed.
Instructions that involve operations on the evaluation stack are not typed. For example, an add instruction adds two numbers, and a mul instruction multiplies two numbers. The CLR tracks data types and uses them when the method is JITd.
Method Flow Control
The CLR provides support for a rich set of flow control instructions:
Conditional or unconditional branchControl can be transferred anywhere within a method as long as the transfer does not cross a protected region boundary. A protected region is defined in the metadata as a region that is associated with an exception handler. In C#, this region is known as a try block, and the associated catch block is known as a handler. The CLR supports the execution of many different kinds of exception handlers to be detailed later. The important point here is that a conditional or unconditional branch cannot specify a destination that crosses an exception boundary. In the case of C#, you cannot branch into or out of a try or a catch block. This is not a limitation of the C# language; rather, it is a restriction of the IL code for which C# acts as a code generator.
Method callSeveral instructions allow methods to call other methods, thus creating other method states, as explained earlier.
Tail callThis is a special prefix that immediately precedes a method call. It instructs the calling method to discard its stack frame before calling the method. This causes the called method to return to the point at which the calling method would have returned.
ReturnThis is a simple return from a method.
Method jumpThis is an optimization of the tail call that transfers the arguments and control of a method to another method with the same signature, essentially "deleting" the current method. The following snippet shows a simple jump:
// Function A .method static public void A() { // Output from A ret } // Function B .method static public void B() { jmp void A() // Output from B ret }
The instructions represented by the comment Output from B will never be executed because the return from B is replaced by a return from A.
ExceptionThis includes a set of instructions that generates an exception and transfers control out of a protected region.
The CLR enforces several rules when control is transferred within a method. First, control cannot be transferred to within an exception handler (catch, finally, and so on) except as the result of an exception. This restriction reinforces the rule that the destination of a branch cannot cross a protected region. Second, after you are in a handler for a protected region, it is illegal to transfer out of that handler by any other means other than the restricted set of exception instructions (leave, end.finally, end.filter, end.catch). Again, you will notice that if you try to return from a method from within a finally block in C#, the compiler generates an error. This is not a C# limitation, but a restriction that is placed on the IL code. Third, each slot in the evaluation stack must maintain its type throughout the lifetime of the evaluation stack (hence the lifetime of the method). In other words, you cannot change the type of a slot (variable) on the evaluation stack. This is typically not a problem because the evaluation stack is not accessible to the user anyway. Finally, control is not allowed to simply "fall through." All paths of execution must terminate in either a return (ret), a method jump (jmp) or tail call (tail.*), or a thrown exception (throw).
Method Call
The CLR can call methods in three different ways. Each of these call methods only differs in the way that the call site descriptor is specified. A call site descriptor gives the CLR and the JIT engine enough information about the method call so that a native method call can be generated, the appropriate arguments can be made accessible to the method, and provision can be made for the return if one exists.
The calli instruction is the simplest of the method calls. This instruction is used when the destination address is computed at runtime. The instruction takes an additional function pointer argument that is known to exist on the call site as an argument. This function pointer is computed with either the ldftn or ldvirftn instructions. The call site is specified in the StandAloneSig table of the metadata (see Chapter 4).
The call instruction is used when the address of the function is known at compile time, such as with a static method. The call site descriptor is derived from the MethodDef or MethodRef token that is part of the instruction. (See Chapter 4 for a description of these two tables.)
The callvirt instruction calls a method on a particular instance of an object. The instruction includes a MethodDef or MethodRef token like with the call instruction, but the callvirt instruction takes an additional argument, which refers to a particular instance on which this method is to be called.
Method Calling Convention
The CLR uses a single calling convention throughout all IL code. If the method being called is a method on an instance, a reference to the object instance is pushed on the stack first, followed by each of the arguments to the method in left-to-right order. The result is that the this pointer is popped off of the stack first by the called method, followed by each of the arguments starting with argument zero and proceeding to argument n. If the method call is to a static method, then no associated instance pointer exists and the stack contains only the arguments. For the calli instruction, the arguments are pushed on the stack in a left-to-right order followed by the function pointer that is pushed on the stack last. The CLR and the JIT must translate this to the most efficient native calling convention.
Method Parameter Passing
The CLR supports three types of parameter-passing mechanisms:
By valueThe value of the object is placed on the stack. For built-in types such as integers, floats, and so on, this simply means that the value is pushed onto the stack. For objects, a O type reference to the object is placed on the stack. For managed and unmanaged pointers, the address is placed on the stack. For user-defined value types, you can place a value on the evaluation stack that precedes a method call in two ways. First, the value can be directly put on the stack with ldarg, ldloc, ldfld, or ldsfld. Second, the address of the value can be computed and the value can be loaded onto the stack with the ldobj instruction.
By referenceUsing this convention, the address of the parameter is passed to the method rather than the value. This allows a method to potentially modify such a parameter. Only values that have homes can be passed by reference because it is the address of the home that is passed. For code to be verifiable (type safety that can be verified), parameters that are passed by reference should only be passed and referenced via the ldind.* and stind.* instructions respectively.
Typed referenceA typed reference is similar to a "normal" by reference parameter with the addition of a static data type that is passed along with the data reference. This allows IL to support languages such as VB that can have methods that are not statically restricted to the types of data that they can accept, yet require an unboxed, by reference value. To call such a method, one would either copy an existing type reference or use the mkrefany instruction to create a data reference type. Using this reference type, the address is computed using the refanyval instruction. A typed reference parameter must refer to data that has a home.
Exception Handling
The CLR supports exceptional conditions or error handling by using exception objects and protected blocks of code. A C# try block is an example of a protected block of code. The CLR supports four different kinds of exception handlers:
FinallyThis block will be executed when the method exits no matter how the method exits, whether by normal control (either implicitly or by an explicit ret) or by unhandled exception.
FaultThis block will be executed if an exception occurs, but not if the method normally exits.
Type-filteredThis block of code will be executed when a match is detected between the type of the exception for this block and the exception that is thrown. This corresponds the C# catch block.
User-filteredThe determination whether this block should handle the exception is made as the result of a set of IL instructions that can specify that the exception should be ignored, that this handler should handle the exception, or that the exception should be handled by the next exception handler. For the reader who is familiar with Structured Exception Handling (SEH), this is much like the __except handler.
Not every language that generates compliant IL code necessarily supports all of the types of exception handling. For instance, C# does not support user-filtered exception handlers, whereas VB does.
When an exception occurs, the CLR searches the exception handling array that is part of the metadata with each method. This array defines a protected region and a block of code that is to handle a specific exception. The exception-handling array specifies an offset from the beginning of the method and a size of the block of code. Each row in the exception-handling array specifies a protected region (offset and size), the type of handler (from the four types of exception handlers listed in the previous paragraph), and the handler block (offset and size). In addition, a type-filtered exception handler row contains information regarding the exception type for which this handler is targeted. The user- filtered exception handler contains a label that starts a block of code to be executed to determine at runtime whether the handler block should be executed in addition to the specification of the handler region. Listing 3.1 shows some C# pseudo-code for handling an exception.
Listing 3.1 C# Exception-Handling Pseudo-Code
try { // Protect block . . . } catch(ExceptionOne e) { // Type-filtered handler . . . } finally { // Finally handler . . . }
For the code in Listing 3.1, you would see two rows in the exception handler array: one for the type-filtered handler and one for the finally block. Both rows would refer to the same protected block of codenamely, the code in the try block.
Listing 3.2 shows one more example of an exception-handling scheme, this time in Visual Basic.
Listing 3.2 VB Exception-Handling Pseudo-Code
Try 'Protected region of code . . . Catch e As ExceptionOne When i = 0 'User filtered exception handler . . . Catch e As ExceptionTwo 'Type filtered exception handler . . . Finally 'Finally handler . . . End Try
The pseudo-code in Listing 3.2 would result in three rows in the exception-handling array. The first Catch is a user-filtered exception handler, which would be turned into the first row in the exception-handling array. The second Catch block is a type-exception handler, which is the same as the typed-exception handler in the C# case. The third and last row in the exception-handling array would be the Finally handler.
When an exception is generated, the CLR looks for the first match in the exception- handling array. A match would mean that the exception was thrown while the managed code was in the protected block that was specified by the particular row. In addition, for a match to exist, the particular handler must "want" to handle the exception (the user filter is true; the type matches the exception type thrown; the code is leaving the method, as in finally; and so forth). The first row in the exception-handing array that the CLR matches becomes the exception handler to be executed. If an appropriate handler is not found for the current method, then the current method's caller is examined. This continues until either an acceptable handler is found, or the top of the stack is reached and the exception is declared unhandled.
Exception Control Flow
Several rules govern the flow of control within protected regions and the associated handlers. These rules are enforced either by the compiler (the IL code generator) or by the CLR because the method is JITd. Remember that a protected region and the associated handler are overlaid on top of an existing block of IL code. You cannot determine the structure of an exception framework from the IL code that is specified in the metadata. The CLR enforces a set of rules when transferring control to or from exception control blocks. These rules are as follows:
Control can only pass into an exception handler block through the exception mechanism.
There are two ways in which control can pass to a protected region (the try block). First, control can simply branch or fall into the first instruction of a protected region. Second, from within a type-filtered handler a leave instruction can specify the offset to any instruction within a protected region (not necessarily the first instruction).
The evaluation stack on entering a protected region must be empty. This would mean that one cannot push values on to the evaluation stack prior to entering a protected region.
Once in a protected region any of the associated handler blocks exiting such a block is strictly controlled.
One can exit any of the exception blocks by throwing another exception.
From within a protected region or in a handler block (not finally or fault) a leave instruction may be executed which is similar to an unconditional branch but has the side effect of emptying the evaluation stack and the destination of a leave instruction can be any instruction in a protected region.
A user-filtered handler block must be terminated by an endfilter instruction. This instruction takes a single argument from the evaluation stack to determine how exception handling should proceed.
A finally or fault block is terminated with an endfinally instruction. This instruction empties the evaluation stack and returns from the enclosing method.
Control can pass outside of a type-filtered handler block by rethrowing the exception. This is just a specialized case for throwing an exception in which the exception thrown is simply the exception that is currently being handled.
None of the handler blocks or protected regions can execute a ret instruction to return from the enclosing method.
No local allocation can be done from within any of the exception handler blocks. Specifically, the localloc instruction is not allowed from any handler.
Exception Types
The documentation indicates the exceptions that an individual instruction can generate, but in general, the CLR can generate the following exceptions as a result of executing specific IL instructions:
- ArithmeticException
- DivideByZeroException
- ExecutionEngineException
- InvalidAddressException
- OverflowException
- SecurityException
- StackOverflowException
In addition, the following exceptions are generated as a result of object model inconsistencies and errors:
- TypeLoadException
- IndexOutOfRangeException
- InvalidAddressException
- InvalidCastException
- MissingFieldException
- MissingMethodException
- NullReferenceException
- OutOfMemoryException
- SecurityException
- StackOverflowException
The ExecutionEngineException can be thrown by any instruction, and it indicates that the CLR has detected an unexpected inconsistency. If the code has been verified, this exception will never be thrown.
Many exceptions are thrown because of a failed resolution. That is, a method was not found, or the method was found but it had the wrong signature, and so forth. The following is a list of exceptions that are considered to be resolution exceptions:
- BadImageFormatException
- EntryPointNotFoundException
- MissingFieldException
- MissingMemberException
- MissingMethodException
- NotSupportedException
- TypeLoadException
- TypeUnloadedException
A few of the exceptions might be thrown early, before the code that caused the exception is actually run. This is usually because an error was detected during the conversion of the IL code to native code (JIT compile time). The following exceptions might be thrown early:
- MissingFieldException
- MissingMethodException
- SecurityException
- TypeLoadException
Exceptions are covered in more detail in Chapter 15, "Using Managed Exceptions to Effectively Handle Errors."
Remote Execution
If it is determined that an object's identity cannot be shared then a remoting boundary is put in place. A remoting boundary is implemented by the CLR using proxies. A proxy represents an object on one side of the remoting boundary and all instance field and method references are forwarded to the other side of the remoting boundary. A proxy is automatically created for objects that derive from System.MarshalByRefObject.
Remoting is covered in more detail in Chapter 13, "Building Distributed Applications with .NET Remoting."
The CLR has a mechanism that allows applications running from within the same operating system process to be isolated from one another. This mechanism is known as the application domain. A class in the base class library encapsulates the features of an application domain known as AppDomain. A remoting boundary is required to effectively communicate between two isolated objects. Because each application domain is isolated from another application domain, a remoting boundary is required to communicate between application domains.
Memory Access
All memory access from within the runtime environment must be properly aligned. This means that access to int16 or unsigned int16 (short or ushort; 2-byte values) values must occur on even boundaries. Access to int32, unsigned int32, and float32 (int, uint, and float; 4-byte values) must occur at an address that is evenly divisible by 4. Access to int64, unsigned int64, and float64 (long, ulong, and double; 8-byte values) must occur at an address that is evenly divisible by 4 or 8 depending on the architecture. Access to any of the native types (native int, native unsigned int, &) must occur on an address that is evenly divisible by 4 or 8, depending on that native environment.
A side effect of properly aligned data is that read and write access to it that is no larger than the size of a native int is guaranteed to be atomic. That is, the read or write operation is guaranteed to be indivisible.
Volatile Memory Access
Certain memory access IL instructions can be prefixed with the volatile prefix. By marking memory access as volatile it does not necessarily guarantee atomicity but it does guarantee that prior to any read access to the memory the variable will be read from memory. A volatile write simply means that a write to memory is guaranteed to happen before any other access is given to the variable in memory.
The volatile prefix is meant to simulate a hardware CPU register. If this is kept in mind, volatile is easier to understand.
CLR Threads and Locks
The CLR provides support for many different mechanisms to guarantee synchronized access to data. Thread synchronization is covered in more detail in Chapter 11. Some of the locks that are part of the CLR execution model are as follows:
Synchronized methodsSynchronized method locks that the CLR provides either lock on a particular instance (locks on the this pointer) or in the case of static locks, the lock is made on the type to which the method is defined. Once held, a method lock allows access any number of times from the same thread (recursion, other method calls, and so forth); access to the lock from another thread will block until the lock is released.
Explicit locksThese locks are provided by the base class library.
Volatile reads and writesAs stated previously, marking access to a variable volatile does not guarantee atomicity except in the case where the size of the value is less than or equal to that of a native int and it is properly aligned.
Atomic operationsThe base class library provides for a number of atomic operations through the use of the System.Threading.Interlocked class.