- Monitoring Creation and Destruction of the Servlet Context
- Example: Initializing Commonly Used Data
- Detecting Changes in Servlet Context Attributes
- Example: Monitoring Changes to Commonly Used Data
- Packaging Listeners with Tag Libraries
- Example: Packaging the Company Name Listeners
- Recognizing Session Creation and Destruction
- Example: A Listener That Counts Sessions
- Watching for Changes in Session Attributes
- Example: Monitoring Yacht Orders
- Using Multiple Cooperating Listeners
- The Complete Events Deployment Descriptor
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This chapter is from the book
10.12 The Complete Events Deployment Descriptor
The previous sections showed various excerpts of the web.xml file for the application events examples. This section shows the file in its entirety.
Listing 10.39 web.xml (Complete version for events examples)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd"> <web-app> <!-- Order matters in web.xml! For the elements used in this example, this order is required: context-param listener servlet servlet-mapping session-config welcome-file-list taglib security-constraint login-config --> <!-- Since the company name changes so frequently, supply it as a servlet context parameter instead of embedding it into lots of different servlets and JSP pages. The InitialCompanyNameListener will read this value and store it in the servlet context. --> <context-param> <param-name>companyName</param-name> <param-value>not-dot-com.com</param-value> </context-param> <!-- Also store the previous company name. --> <context-param> <param-name>formerCompanyName</param-name> <param-value>hot-dot-com.com</param-value> </context-param> <!-- Declare the names of the session attributes that are used to store items that customers are purchasing. The daily special listener will track changes to the values of these attributes. --> <context-param> <param-name>order-attribute-names</param-name> <param-value> orderedItem purchasedItem </param-value> </context-param> <!-- The item names of the current daily specials. --> <context-param> <param-name>daily-special-item-names</param-name> <param-value> chalet car </param-value> </context-param> <!-- Register the listener that sets up the initial company name. --> <!-- Listener declaration moved to tag library... <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.InitialCompanyNameListener </listener-class> </listener> --> <!-- Register the listener that monitors changes to the company name. --> <!-- Listener declaration moved to tag library... <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.ChangedCompanyNameListener </listener-class> </listener> --> <!-- Register the session counting event listener. --> <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.SessionCounter </listener-class> </listener> <!-- Register the yacht-watching event listener. --> <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.YachtWatcher </listener-class> </listener> <!-- Register the listener that sets up the entries that will be used to monitor orders for the daily special. --> <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.DailySpecialRegistrar </listener-class> </listener> <!-- Register the listener that counts orders for the daily special. --> <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.DailySpecialWatcher </listener-class> </listener> <!-- Register the listener that resets the order counts when the names of the daily specials change. --> <listener> <listener-class> moreservlets.listeners.ChangedDailySpecialListener </listener-class> </listener> <!-- Assign the name ChangeCompanyName to moreservlets.ChangeCompanyName. --> <servlet> <servlet-name>ChangeCompanyName</servlet-name> <servlet-class>moreservlets.ChangeCompanyName</servlet-class> </servlet> <!-- Assign the name OrderHandlingServlet to moreservlets.OrderHandlingServlet. --> <servlet> <servlet-name>OrderHandlingServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class> moreservlets.OrderHandlingServlet </servlet-class> </servlet> <!-- Assign the name ChangeDailySpecial to moreservlets.ChangeDailySpecial. --> <servlet> <servlet-name>ChangeDailySpecial</servlet-name> <servlet-class> moreservlets.ChangeDailySpecial </servlet-class> </servlet> <!-- Give a name to the servlet that redirects users to the home page. --> <servlet> <servlet-name>Redirector</servlet-name> <servlet-class>moreservlets.RedirectorServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> <!-- Assign the URL /admin/ChangeCompanyName to the servlet that is named ChangeCompanyName. --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>ChangeCompanyName</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/admin/ChangeCompanyName</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Assign the URL /HandleOrders to the servlet that is named OrderHandlingServlet. --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>OrderHandlingServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/HandleOrders</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Assign the URL /admin/ChangeDailySpecial to the servlet that is named ChangeDailySpecial. --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>ChangeDailySpecial</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/admin/ChangeDailySpecial</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Turn off invoker. Send requests to index.jsp. --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>Redirector</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/servlet/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Set the default session timeout to two minutes. --> <session-config> <session-timeout>2</session-timeout> </session-config> <!-- If URL gives a directory but no filename, try index.jsp first and index.html second. If neither is found, the result is server specific (e.g., a directory listing). Order of elements in web.xml matters. welcome-file-list needs to come after servlet but before error-page. --> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> <!-- Register the company-name tag library. --> <taglib> <taglib-uri> /company-name-taglib.tld </taglib-uri> <taglib-location> /WEB-INF/company-name-taglib.tld </taglib-location> </taglib> <!-- Protect everything within the "admin" directory. Direct client access to this directory requires authentication. --> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>Admin</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/admin/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <role-name>ceo</role-name> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint> <!-- Tell the server to use form-based authentication. --> <login-config> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> <form-login-config> <form-login-page>/admin/login.jsp</form-login-page> <form-error-page>/admin/login-error.jsp</form-error-page> </form-login-config> </login-config> </web-app>
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