The package that we created is small and simple for simplicity. It demonstrates how to create your packages using the DTS Object Model, and it teaches you how to create your own packages through code. We have only covered the basic objects needed for most packages. Almost every package must use the Package, Connection, Task, and Step objects to do any work. These objects will allow you to create packages to import and export data, and to transform data between any two sourceseven between two sources that are the same (manipulating data within an Excel file, for example). In the third and final article, we will go over some other DTS objects, and show you how to use them in a real-world scenario.
An easy way to get started is to create a package in the DTS Designer and then save it as a VB file. Then, you can open the VB file, add the DTS references (uncomment and add the password to any Connections, if needed, because DTS will not script passwords), and the file should run. Then you can change the code to suit your needs. In fact, this is how this sample package was created.
Table 2 All Properties Shown In the Code and Discussed In the Article
Package2 |
Name |
Description |
PackagePriorityClass |
LineageOptions |
TransactionIsolationLevel |
RepositoryMetadataOptions |
LogServerFlags |
PackageType |
MaxConcurrentSteps |
WriteCompletionStatusToNTEventLog |
FailOnError |
UseTransaction |
AutoCommitTransaction |
LogToSQLServere |
FailPackageOnLogFailure |
ExplicitGlobalVariables |
UseOLEDBServiceComponents |
Name |
Connection2 |
ConnectionProperties("Integrated Security") |
ConnectionProperties("Persist Security Info") |
ConnectionProperties("Application Name") |
ConnectionProperties("Extended Properties") |
Name |
Description |
DataSource |
UserID |
Password |
Catalog |
UseTrustedConnection |
ID |
ConnectionTimeout |
Reusable |
ConnectImmediate |
ConnectionProperties("Integrated Security") |
Step2 |
Name |
Description |
ExecutionStatus |
TaskName |
RelativePriority |
ScriptLanguage |
CommitSuccess |
RollbackFailure |
AddGlobalVariables |
CloseConnection |
ExecuteInMainThread |
IsPackageDSORowset |
JoinTransactionIfPresent |
DisableStep |
FailPackageOnError |
Name |
Task |
Name |
Description |
SourceConnectionID |
DestinationConnectionID |
SourceObjectName |
DestinationObjectName |
ProgressRowCount |
MaximumErrorCount |
FetchBufferSize |
UseFastLoad |
InsertCommitSize |
AllowIdentityInserts |
FirstRow |
LastRow |
DataPumpOptions |
FastLoadOptions |
ExceptionFileOptions |
ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter |
ExceptionFileRowDelimiter |
Transformation2 |
Name |
TransformFlags |
ForceSourceBlobsBuffered |
ForceBlobsInMemory |
InMemoryBlobSize |
TransformPhases |
Transformation2 TransformServerProperties |
oTransProps("Text") |
oTransProps("Language") |
oTransProps("FunctionEntry") |
Transformation2.TransformServerProperties |
Name |
Ordinal |
Flags |
Size |
DataType |
Precision |
NumericScale |
Nullable |
You can link to the code file here.