- Server Logs from A to B
- Advertising and Promotion
- Improving Your Value Proposition
- Optimizing Your Navigation
- Calculating Your Close Ratio
- Taking It to the Bank
Improving Your Value Proposition
Your visitors don't always enter your site through your home page. Other entry points include pages listed in search engine results such as Google, pages bookmarked by visitors from prior visits, and pages sent from other visitors as referrals to your site. Why is this important? Because your visitors are telling you what pages they find of most value. Your log reports will list the most popular entry pages on your site.
So here's a hint. Look these pages over and try to see why they're so popular. Then take that information and apply it your home page. Your visitors are telling you in no uncertain terms how you should frame your value proposition; and it should be prominently displayed on your home page.
Finally, the pages from which your visitors exit your site are just as important as the pages where they enter it. Here, your visitors are telling you that they've either found all they need to know or they find that pageand thus your siteno longer worth visiting. Review those pages and see why they're driving visitors from your site.