Now What? 2002 Goals
1. Novell
Goal(s): Earn the CDE and the GroupWise CNE; pursue advanced training in DirXML. Pass the CompTia Server+ and IT Project + exams.
Reasons: There are several reasons for this goal. 1: I want to distinguish myself in the field of Directory Services with the CDE and DirXML. 2: I want to be able to service my customers who want to install and maintain a GroupWise e-mail system. 3: I need to maintain the MCNE, and CompTia's exams will enable me to do that.
Comments: Having sat through the MCSE-W2K, it amazes me every day how superior Novell's Directory Services is over Microsoft's offering. Microsoft might have the market share right now, but unless its technology matures, it will not last long.
2. Security
Goal(s): Earn the CISSP.
Reason: This is the hot button certification for 2002. I have already done a good bit in network security, both WAN and LAN. This certification will simply validate my knowledge, and maybe open up some opportunities.
Comments: The appealing side to the CISSP is that it is administered by (ISC), it is not an easy certification to earn, and it is recommended that those pursuing it have 35 years in the information security field.
3. Prosoft/Web Development
Goal(s): Take a class in XML.
Reason: I want to do more work in courseware development. XML has features that will enable me to produce and distribute courseware to a wider audience.
Comments: My knowledge and understanding of XML is elementary at best, and I realize that to keep up with the changes in the IT industry, I need to advance my understanding. A class is a good place to start.
4. Cisco
Goal(s): Continue self-studying toward the CCIE.
Reason: The CCIE is the granddaddy of certifications in IT. It is my ultimate goal.
Comments: This year is devoted to study, practice, and acquiring the skills necessary to reach the goal next year.
5. Microsoft
Goal(s):If there's time, "maybe" take the test toward the MCSA.
Reason: Many of my students will have questions about the MCSA.
Comments: I am not really interested in pursuing this, but many will be. I am really annoyed at what Microsoft has done over the last few years to those of us who are Microsoft-certified.