Using the Locals Window
The term local refers to variables defined in subroutines and functions. Locals in Listing 3.3 are Radius, Circumference, and PI. The Locals window is opened in the Editor by clicking the View, Locals Window menu item. Figure 3.4 shows the local variables for the code in Listing 3.3.
Figure 3.4 Variables shown in the Locals window.
The term variable is used loosely to mean local data names that are both variable and constant.
The Locals window is useful because it shows you at a glance all the variables defined in a subroutine or function. More important, it enables you to look at all the values and subvalues of user-defined types. A user-defined type is a type that contains one or more subtypes. You will learn more about user-defined types in Hour 11, "Making the Complex Simple: Creating Your Own Data Types."