Concluding Security PostScript
When it comes to managing network and system security, almost any degree of security is better than none, and the more attention and resources you can devote to this important area of concern, the easier you'll be able to rest. For organizations of any size, your primary choice is to spend time and/or money on security. If you don't have time, you'll have to spend money; if you have neither, you'll have to improvise.
Though security may be ignored until a disaster occurs, afterwards it becomes an absolute necessity. Thus, my concluding words on this painful and sometimes time-consuming and expensive subject invoke three other vital security maxims:
An ounce of prevention is not only better than a pound of cure; it's faster, cheaper, and easier.
When it comes to security, it's better to manage permissions than ask for forgiveness.
If you have to choose between spending money on equipment or security, remember that equipment without security is worse than security without equipment. In the latter case, nobody gets to use the equipment; in the former, alas, somebody unauthorized gets to use the equipment for whatever they want.