- A transition to support the brand
- The ongoing battle over internet commitment
- Growing statisitcs reinforce the commitment
- Devoting dollars to the internet
- The internet is a powerful piece of the branding campaign
- Industries taking the plunge
- Internet issues turn into internet opportunities
- The smooth transition of the brand
Industries taking the plunge
As traditional companies continue to make the transition, redeveloping their business models as e-business models, we still see our share of industries proceeding at a pace we'd have to call much less than warp speed. An interview with Sheila Cohen, vice president of marketing, Lawyers Homepage Network, details the progress of various industries in their attempts to move online (See "Industries Moving Online" interview).
Traditional companies are facing their fair share of challenges when journeying into cyberterritory. They have existing customer relationships and business paradigms to suit traditional needs. It's a matter of stepping up to a challenge the Internet poses. Larger challenges mean larger rewards. The bigger the obstacle, the larger are the profits if it is tackled successfully.