Keystrokes and Actions
When a table component has the focus, the keys that you type are sent to that component. For example, you can press the arrow keys to choose an appropriate focused cell. And, under the Java look and feel, pressing F2 allows you to start editing the contents of the focused cell. Have you ever wondered how the table component associates keys with different operations? The answer to that question is that the table component contains a mapping of Keystroke objects to Action objects. Basically, a Keystroke object identifies a key that you would press on the keyboard, along with modifier information (such as whether Ctrl must be pressed simultaneously with that key), and an Action object is created from a class that directly or indirectly (by way of a superclass) implements the Action interface. Such an object has an actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method that is called to carry out the action. Table 9 presents a list of Keystroke and Action String names as they appear in BasicLookAndFeel. As I will show you in the next article, you can build on Table 9 by creating your own Actions and mapping them to appropriate Keystrokes.
Table 9 Keystroke and Action Name Strings
Keystroke String |
Action Name String |
Ctrl+C |
copy |
Ctrl+V |
paste |
Ctrl+X |
cut |
copy |
paste |
cut |
selectNextColumn |
selectNextColumn |
selectPreviousColumn |
selectPreviousColumn |
selectNextRow |
selectNextRow |
UP |
selectPreviousRow |
selectPreviousRow |
Shift+RIGHT |
selectNextColumnExtendSelection |
Shift+KP_RIGHT |
selectNextColumnExtendSelection |
Shift+LEFT selectPreviousColumnExtendSelection |
Shift+KP_LEFT |
selectPreviousColumnExtendSelection |
Shift+DOWN |
selectNextRowExtendSelection |
Shift+KP_DOWN |
selectNextRowExtendSelection |
Shift+UP |
selectPreviousRowExtendSelection |
Shift+KP_UP |
selectPreviousRowExtendSelection |
scrollUpChangeSelection |
scrollDownChangeSelection |
selectFirstColumn |
selectLastColumn |
Shift+PAGE_UP |
scrollUpExtendSelection |
scrollDownExtendSelection |
Shift+HOME |
selectFirstColumnExtendSelection |
Shift+END |
selectLastColumnExtendSelection |
Ctrl+PAGE_UP |
scrollLeftChangeSelection |
scrollRightChangeSelection |
Ctrl+HOME |
selectFirstRow |
Ctrl+END |
selectLastRow |
Ctrl+Shift+PAGE_UP |
scrollRightExtendSelection |
Ctrl+Shift+PAGE_DOWN |
scrollLeftExtendSelection |
Ctrl+Shift+HOME |
selectFirstRowExtendSelection |
Ctrl+Shift+END |
selectLastRowExtendSelection |
selectNextColumnCell |
Shift+TAB |
selectPreviousColumnCell |
selectNextRowCell |
Shift+ENTER |
selectPreviousRowCell |
Ctrl+A |
selectAll |
cancel |
F2 |
startEditing |
When the table component has the focus and a key (or combination of keys) is pressed, JTable's processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed) method is eventually called. That method starts by executing boolean retVal = super.processKeyBinding (ks, e, condition, pressed); (which is found in JComponent). The method checks to see if ks is located in the component's input map (that is, a set of mappings from Keystroke objects to Action names). If found, the resulting Action name is checked against the component's Action map (that is, a set of mappings from Action names to Action objects) to see if that map contains an Action object that associates with the Action name. If so, SwingUtilities' notifyAction(Action action, KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent event, Object sender, int modifiers) method is called to create an ActionEvent object and call the Action's actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method. Assuming that the actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) method is called, retVal contains a value that causes processKeyBinding(KeyStroke ks, KeyEvent e, int condition, boolean pressed) to exit. Otherwise, that method automatically starts an editor for the focused cell.