TClientDataSet is an extremely powerful in-memory dataset that supports a number of high-performance sorting and searching operations. Following are several key points to take away from this chapter:
You can create client datasets both at design-time and at runtime. This chapter showed how to save them to a disk for use in single-tier database applications.
The three basic ways of populating a client dataset are
Manually with Append or Insert
From another dataset
From a file or stream (that is, via persisting client datasets)
Datasets in Delphi can be navigated in a variety of ways: sequentially, via bookmarks, and via record numbers.
You can create indexes on a dataset enabling you to quickly and easily sort the records in a given order, and to locate records that match a certain criteria.
Filters and ranges can be used to limit the amount of data that is visible in the dataset. Ranges are useful when the relevant data is stored in a consecutive sequence of records. Unlike ranges, filters do not require an index to be set before applying them.
Locate and Lookup are nonindexed search techniques for locating a specific record in a client dataset. FindKey, FindNearest, GotoKey, and GotoNearest are indexed search techniques.
In the following chapter, I'll discuss more advanced client dataset functionality.