Congratulations! You've set up one or more servers in your environment, but how can you be sure that everything is functioning properly?
You can verify this by performing the following steps:
Restart your Windows 2000 Server and make sure that all the Exchange 2000 Server services are up and running.
On the Start menu, point to Administrative Tools and then click Services; a Service console page will appear.
Locate the Microsoft Exchange Services in the Service Console. Check the Startup Type and make sure that every service that has the Automatic Status Type has a Started Status. This verifies that this service is up and running. The system might have restarted some additional services manually if required, such as the services that have a Startup Type Manual.
If some of the services don't have a Started Status and they are set to Automatic Startup Type, select that particular service and double-click it. A Service property page appears. Click Start. This function attempts to restart the service.
If the service fails to start, make sure that other related services are started.
If the Service Status shows that it is Started, and then click OK.
From Administrative Tools, click on Event Viewer and make sure that you are pointing to the right Exchange 2000 Server. Open the Application Log and check the Event Logs for any related errors.
From the Event Viewer console, open the System Log and check the Event Logs for any critical errors that might occur.
If you find errors, then select that error event and double-click it. An Event Property page describes the exact error. Take the necessary steps to resolve that particular error.
Perform some test messages, and send some test messages back and forth.
Good luck with your Exchange 2000 installation!