Final Branding Thoughts
Finally, the online world has a language and jargon of its own. That's all well and good for communicating within the community. Once outside the community, though, there is a tendency to use cyberspeak to be cool, hip, and with-it. The late-adopting customer might be confused or even repulsed by the new language of the digital literati. Anyone from the Baby Boom or "older" who has tried to wade through a William Gibson novel and understand some of the cybertalk knows what it means to be left outside looking in when the avant-garde begin to use their own version of the English language.
Branding is a customer experience. If the customer can't begin to understand what you say or how you say it, branding cannot occur because a meaningful experience does not happen. Simple as that. Extrapolate from the terminology to product definitions and category labeling and the arcane becomes more apparent.