Working with Photos, Graphics, and Other Objects in Pages Documents
- Insert Photos and Other Graphics into Pages Documents
- Design Photos and Other Images in Pages Documents
In this chapter, you learn how to include photos and other graphics in your Pages documents. Topics include the following:
One age-old and extremely overused cliché states, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This cliché is used so often because the idea that it expresses—that images communicate effectively—happens to be true. What the cliché doesn’t say is that pictures alone don’t usually tell a complete story. The most effective communication typically includes both words and images. As you’ve seen in previous chapters, Pages enables you to do a lot with text and tables. In this chapter, you learn how to use the app’s great graphics tools to include visual elements, such as photos, to enhance both the effectiveness and the visual appeal of your Pages documents.
Insert Photos and Other Graphics into Pages Documents
You can use many different types of graphics in your documents, including photos stored in your iPhoto or Aperture library, photos you’ve stored in other places on your Mac, images you’ve created and stored on your computer, and images you’ve downloaded. (Make sure you don’t violate any copyright or other use restrictions if you are going to use a downloaded image in a document.)
There are a number of ways you can add photos and other images to your Pages documents, including these:
- Replace an image placeholder with a photo from iPhoto.
- Add an image from the Media Browser.
- Drag an image from your desktop into a document.
Each of these options is explained in the following tasks.
Replace an Image Placeholder with a Photo from iPhoto
Many of the Pages document templates include image placeholders that you can replace with your own images.
Click the icon located in the lower-right corner of the image placeholder. The Media Browser appears.
Click the Photos tab. You see the photos stored in your iPhoto Photo Library. Along the left side of the browser, you see the sources of photos, which are the same as they are in iPhoto.
- Select the source of photos you want to browse. The photos in that source appear.
- Browse the photos in the selected source.
Click the photo with which you want to replace the image placeholder. The photo replaces the placeholder. (Note that the image placeholder icon disappears.)
Use the tools in Pages to design the photo (explained in “Design Photos and Other Images in Pages Documents” later in this chapter).
Use the Media Browser to Insert Photos into Pages Documents
You can use the Media Browser to add a photo to any location in a document.
- Position the cursor in the approximate location where you want the photo. (You can easily reposition it later.)
Click the Media button on the toolbar. The Media Browser appears.
Use steps 2 through 5 in the previous task to select the photo you want to insert into the document.
Use the tools in Pages to design the photo (explained in “Design Photos and Other Images in Pages Documents” later in this chapter).
Drag Photos and Other Graphics from the Mac Desktop into Pages Documents
The Media Browser can access only photos and graphics stored in iPhoto or Aperture. You can place any image stored on your Mac into a Pages document by dragging it from the desktop into the document.
Position the cursor in the approximate location where you want the photo. (You can easily reposition it later.)
- Open a Finder window, and navigate to the location of the photo you want to place in the document.
Drag the document from the Finder window onto the Pages document. The photo is copied into the document.
Use the tools in Pages to design the photo (explained in “Design Photos and Other Images in Pages Documents” later in this chapter).