Affiliate models that use storefronts keep the affiliate partner's traffic on its web site. Its visitors never leave its site. With pop ups, visitors never leave the affiliate's page. Products and services are offered to web site visitors through the display of a small pop up window. When a visitor comes to a web site, he or she may see a small banner or icon advertising a product or service of an online merchant. At first glance, some of the banners look like traditional affiliate banner links. But instead of being whisked off to another web site when the link is clickedor even to another page on the existing web sitea small pop up window appears with the offer inside. The original page still appears in the background, so when the visitor is finished reading the offeror even completing a transactionshe returns to the original web page when the pop up window closes.
Pop-ups have disadvantages, however. Because the pop-up window is small, it limits the available space for presenting your offer, completing a transaction or task, or collecting information.