- Step 1: Categorize
- Step 2: Add
- Step 3: Show
- The Joomla CASh Workflow: Why Do It This Way?
- Practicing the CASh Workflow
- What's Next?
This chapter is from the book
The Joomla CASh Workflow: Why Do It This Way?
These are three steps for adding content to a Joomla site:
- Step 1. Categorize
- Step 2. Add
- Step 3. Show
But why do it this way? Here are answers to some of the questions you might have at the moment:
- Why not create our menu links first? Because we wouldn’t have anything to link to. We wouldn’t have any articles to show.
- Why create our categories first? Imagine you are building a big Joomla site. You might be planning 50, 500, or even 5,000 articles. I’ve seen Joomla sites with more than 100,000 articles. How would you organize that many articles? Categories allow us to organize all our articles. Our “Location” article goes in the Information category. Our “Zoo” article goes in the Attractions category. That way, the articles won’t get mixed up.
- Why bother creating links at all? Remember when we first added our articles but couldn’t see them on our site? Menu links are what allow people to see our articles. If people can’t click through to the articles, they can’t see them.
We regularly meet Joomla students who have tried to teach themselves and got stuck. Most of the time it’s because they didn’t know about this workflow:
- Some of them tried to make their menu links first and wondered why they had so few choices.
- Some people wrote all their articles first and then ended up with a big mess of unorganized articles.
- Some people added their categories and articles and then stopped. They looked at their site and got frustrated because they couldn’t see what they’d written.
Follow the workflow and creating your Joomla content will be easy. Here it is one more time:
- Step 1. Categorize. Create categories so that you can organize your articles.
- Step 2. Add. Write your articles.
- Step 3. Show. Create menu links so that people can click through and see your articles.
Now that we’ve learned the Joomla CASh workflow, let’s practice it.