Memorizing a Group of Transactions
If you frequently perform the same transactions together, memorize them as a group and execute the whole group at once! For example, you might have several fixed monthly expenses that are due at the same time, such as rent, security service, insurance, loan payment, and so on. You can save all these expenses as a group called “Monthly Expenses,” and then with one easy click, all the transactions will be executed at once.
Memorize a Group
Create each of the memorized transactions that you plan to execute as a group, as shown in “Memorizing Transactions” previously in this chapter.
Press Ctrl+T to open the Memorized Transaction List, or choose Memorized Transaction List from the Lists menu.
Click the Memorized Transaction button, and then select New Group.
Enter a unique name for your memorized group.
Select Add to My Reminders List if you want QuickBooks to issue a reminder when the group is due.
If you ask for a reminder, choose a frequency in the How Often field.
If you ask for a reminder, choose a date in the Next Date field for the next reminder to be issued.
Click OK to establish your new group.
Add a Transaction to the Group
With the Memorized Transaction List window still open, click once on the memorized transaction that you want to add to the group.
Click the Memorized Transaction button at the bottom of the list and select Edit Memorized Transaction.
Click the Add to Group option.
In the Group Name field, select the name of the group to which this transaction is to be added.
Click OK to save the group assignment you have made for this transaction. You now have a group of recurring transactions.
You now have a new Monthly Fixed Expenses Group. When it is time to enter these transactions, double-click the bold group name (see next task).
Repeat Steps 1–5 for each transaction you want to include in the group.