Exam Resources
Microsoft has some good information about upgrading, deploying and integration AD into a company on its web site. Check it out: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/default.asp
You can get a copy of the full list of objectives for this exam here: http://www.microsoft.com/trainingandservices/exams/examasearch.asp?PageID=70-219
For studying, pick up a copy of the MCSE Training Guide (70-219): Designing Windows 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure by Scott Archer (New Riders, 2000, ISBN: 0735709831). This book has plenty of exercises to make you think, and walks you through the exam objectives.
Check out ExamGear Testing software for free: http://www.newriders.com/examgear/
Purchase ExamGear Testing software specifically for Windows 2000 Professional Exam 70-219: http://www.newriders.com/examgear/2000/