1.2 Obtaining EAGLE
CadSoft makes it easy to start with EAGLE. After you download the executable, you can try it out without registering or paying anything. If you’re interested in more features, you can make decisions regarding purchasing, licensing, and registration.
If you run a supported operating system and connect to the Internet, you need to download only a single file. Currently, EAGLE can run on any of the following operating systems:
- Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP
- Mac OS 10.6, 10.7 on Intel-based processors
- Linux (kernel 2.6, Intel processors, 32-bit runtime environment)
CadSoft’s primary web site is http://www.cadsoft.de but the company can also be accessed at locale-specific sites such as http://www.cadsoftusa.com. At these sites, you can download EAGLE by finding the Downloads link in the upper menu and selecting Download EAGLE. This takes you to a page with download links, and you can choose between the Windows, Linux, and Mac OS offerings.