- iPhoto's Information Pane
- What Is Exif?
- Changing Your Photo's Date and Time
- Changing Your Photo's Name
- Adding a Description to Your Photos
- Batch Changing Titles, Dates, and Descriptions
- Adding Keywords to Your Photos
- Working with the Keyword Manager
- Flagging Your Photos
- Rating Your Photos
- Hiding Your Photos
- Deleting Your Photos
- Using the Contextual Menu
Adding Keywords to Your Photos
Remember how you used to flip a photo over and write on its backside the names of the people who were in it or maybe where it was taken or what the event was? A digital photo has no such backside, but Apple still lets you append labels to it. This feature is called keywords. A keyword is simply a tag or label that you apply to your photographs. These tags come in handy when you are searching for specific photos.
Select the photos or group of photos to which you want to add a keyword. You can also select an event to add keywords to. A keyword that’s added to an event is added to every photo in the event.
- Click the Info button to open the Information Pane.
- Click the Keywords bar to expand the Keywords section of the Information Pane. Click where you see Add a Keyword, and then type your keywords into the Keywords field.
Press Return after each keyword. This separates one keyword from the next. A completed keyword is enclosed in a little pill-shaped oval. You can add as many keywords to an event or photo as you want.