- iPhoto's Information Pane
- What Is Exif?
- Changing Your Photo's Date and Time
- Changing Your Photo's Name
- Adding a Description to Your Photos
- Batch Changing Titles, Dates, and Descriptions
- Adding Keywords to Your Photos
- Working with the Keyword Manager
- Flagging Your Photos
- Rating Your Photos
- Hiding Your Photos
- Deleting Your Photos
- Using the Contextual Menu
Rating Your Photos
iPhoto enables you to assign ratings to your photos so you can record how much you like each one. iPhoto’s rating system is based on zero to five stars. Rating your photos isn’t just something you do to pass the time. Rating them can help you easily search through your library or create photo albums based on your ratings.
You have five ways to rate your photos, four of which are discussed in this task. (Read about the fifth way in the “Using the Contextual Menu” section later in this chapter.) Like most other marking options in iPhoto, you can rate one photo at a time or group multiple photos together to rate them.
- Select the photo or photos you want to rate.
From iPhoto’s menu bar, select Photos, My Rating and choose None or one to five stars. Or...
...from iPhoto’s Information Pane, click and drag your mouse over the hollow stars to rate the photo. Or...
...from underneath a photo, click and drag your mouse over the hollow stars to rate the photo. (To view ratings underneath photos, you must make sure you have selected View, Ratings from the menu bar.) Or...
- ...from your keyboard, press the Command key on your keyboard and then 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 to rate the selected photos between zero and five stars.