- Setting the Date and Time
- Clock Application
- Using the S Planner Calendaring Application
Using the S Planner Calendaring Application
The S Planner calendaring application enables you to synchronize all your Google Calendars under your primary Google account to your Galaxy Note 3. You can accept appointments and create and modify appointments right on your phone. Any changes are automatically synchronized wirelessly back to your Google Calendar.
Navigate the S Planner Main Screen
The main screen of the S Planner app shows a one-day, one-week, or one-month view of your appointments. S Planner also shows events from multiple calendars at the same time.
Touch the S Planner icon on the Apps screen.
- Swipe left to go backward in time.
- Swipe right to go forward in time.
- Touch to show today’s date.
- Touch Year, Month, Week, Day, List, or Task to choose a calendar view.
- Touch to switch to Writing mode, where you can draw over the calendar with the S Pen.
Touch to create a new event.
Choose Which Calendars and Task Lists to View
If you have set up multiple accounts, which might each have multiple calendars or task lists, you can choose which calendars S Planner shows at the same time.
- Touch the Menu button to open the menu.
Touch Calendars to display the Calendars screen.
- Check the All Calendars box to display all calendars and task lists from all accounts.
- Touch to expand an account to see all calendars and task lists it has.
- Touch to collapse an expanded account.
- Touch to enable or disable displaying the calendar or task list.
Touch to return to the main S Planner screen.
Change S Planner Settings
- Touch the Menu button.
Touch Settings.
- Touch View Styles to choose the way that the calendar shows events when you touch to view them in the Month view and Week view. For Month view, your choices are to have a pop-up showing the Event view or a list of the events at the bottom of the screen. For Week view, your choices are to have a Timeline view where the days are across the top and the hours of the day are below, or an Analog view where the days are all shown on the screen at once. Try each style and see which you prefer.
- Touch First Day of Week to set the first day of your week. You can choose Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. You can also choose Locale Default, which means the locale determined by the time zone you are in controls what the first day of the week is.
- Touch Hide Declined Events to enable or disable hiding events you have declined.
- Touch Lock Time Zone to enable or disable using your home time zone when displaying the calendar and event times. When this is enabled, your home time zone is always used even when you are not traveling in it.
- Touch Select Time Zone to set your home time zone if you enabled Lock Time Zone in step 7.
Touch Show Week Number to enable or disable showing the week number. For example, March 26 is in week 13.
- Check the Hide Completed Tasks box if you want to hide tasks you have completed. Hiding what you’ve done may make it easier to see what you still have left to do.
- Check the Weather box if you want to display the weather on the calendar.
Scroll down for more settings.
- Touch Set Alerts and Notifications to enable or disable notifications for calendar events. You can also set whether you are alerted only in the Notification bar or with a pop-up alert.
- Touch Select Ringtone to choose the ringtone to play when you are being alerted for calendar events.
- Touch Vibration to choose whether your Galaxy Note 3 should also vibrate when the event ringtone plays.
Touch Quick Responses to edit the four built-in Quick Responses. Read more about Quick Reponses later in this chapter.
- Touch the Back button to save your settings and return to the main S Planner screen.
Add a New Event
While you’re on the road, you can add a new appointment or event—and even invite people to it. Events you add synchronize to your Google and corporate calendars in real time.
Touch to add a new event.
- Touch the color swatch to choose the color to assign to the event. You can use colors to make important events more conspicuous.
- Touch Title to enter a title for your event.
- Check the All Day box to mark the event as an all-day event.
- Touch the From box to select the start date and time of the event.
- Touch the To box to select the end date and time of the event.
- Touch Calendar to select the calendar to add the event to.
Touch Sticker to choose a sticker for your event. The stickers have images that help you visually categorize events.
- Touch Repeat to set this as a recurring event. You can make it repeat daily, weekly, or monthly on the same date each month, but you can also set a meeting to repeat, for example, monthly but only every last Thursday regardless of the date.
- Touch the + on the Reminder line to add a reminder for the event.
- Touch to set the timing of the reminder.
- Touch to change the type of reminder (Email or Notification).
- Touch the – to remove the reminder.
- Scroll down to reach more event settings.
- Touch Location to specify where the event will take place. This can be a full physical address, which is useful because most smartphones can map the address.
- Touch Description and type a description for the event.
- Touch to add invitees from your Contacts list. You can also add invitees by typing their names or email address in the text box.
- Touch to remove an invitee.
Scroll down to reach more event settings.
- Touch to choose how to show your availability during this event. You can choose Busy or Available.
Touch to choose the privacy of the event. You can choose Public or you can choose Private so only you can see it. If the event is being created on your corporate calendar, setting the event to Private means that people can see you are busy, but they cannot see the event details.
Touch to save the event. Any attendees that you have added are automatically sent an event invitation.
Respond to a Google Event Invitation
When you are invited to an event, you can choose your response right on your Galaxy Note 3 in the invitation email itself, or you can use the S Planner app.
Respond from the Email
The Google event invitation email allows you to respond in the email itself.
Touch to open the event invitation email.
Touch Yes, Maybe, or No to indicate whether you will attend.
Respond from S Planner
When you receive an invite, it is automatically inserted into your Google calendar but with no response selected.
Touch the new event.
- Touch the event location to have it mapped in Google Maps or another mapping app that you have installed (such as Google Earth).
Touch Attend? to choose your response.
Choose Accept, Tentative, or Decline.
- Back on the Meeting Invitation screen, touch the Back button to return to the main S Planner screen.
Respond to a Corporate Event Invitation
When you receive an invitation to an event, choose your response in the invitation email itself.
Touch to open the event invitation email.
- Touch to see the invitation responses.
Touch Accept, Decline, or Maybe to indicate whether you will attend.
Use Quick Responses
When you are notified of an upcoming event on your Galaxy Note 3, you can choose to Snooze or Email Guests. When you choose to Email Guests, you can choose a Quick Response to send them.
- Pull down the Notification bar.
Touch Email Guests to open the Select a Quick Response dialog.
Choose one of your Quick Responses or write a custom message.
Touch the email app you want to use to send the Quick Response.
Add a Task
In addition to calendar events, you can add tasks you need to complete.
Touch to add a new task.
- Touch Add Task.
- Touch Title and type the title for the task.
- Touch Due Date and then specify when the task is due. If the task needs no due date, check the No Due Date box instead.
- Touch Task and then choose the account to add the task to.
- Touch Reminder to choose when you want to be reminded of the task.
- Touch Priority to choose the task’s priority.
- Touch Description and then type a description for the task.
Touch Save to save the task.