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01: #!/usr/bin/perl -wT 02: use strict; 03: use CGI qw(:standard); 04: use Archive::Tar; 05: use File::Basename; 06: my @DIRS = qw{tars /tmp}; 07: my $SCRIPT = basename $0; 08: my $tar; 09: my %actions = ('list_archives' => \&list_archives, '' => \&list_archives, 'show_file' => \&show_file, 'show_content' => \&show_content, ); 10: print header; 11: my $action = param('action'); 12: if (param('tar')) { 13: $tar = param('tar'); 14: $tar =~ s!\.\.?/!!g; 15: } 16: if (exists $actions{$action}) { 17: $actions{$action}->(); 18: }else{ 19: print qq{Sorry, '$action' isn't supported.<br>}; 20: } 21: sub list_archives { 22: print h2("List of files"); 23: for my $dir (@DIRS) { 24: print qq{Directory: $dir<br>\n}; 25: opendir(DIR, $dir) or print qq{$!<p>\n} and next; 26: my @files = grep {/\.tar(?:\.gz)?$/} readdir(DIR); 27: for (@files) { 28: (my $short_name = $_) =~ s/\.tar.*$//; 29: print a({-href=>"tar.cgi?action=show_file&tar=$d ir/$_"},$short_name), br; 30: } 31: closedir DIR; 32: print p; 33: } 34: } 35: sub show_file { 36: print h2("Contents of $tar:"); 37: print qq{Sorry, '$tar' does not exist.} and return unless -e $tar; 38: my @files = Archive::Tar->list_archive($tar); 39: for (@files) { 40: if (/\/$/) { 41: print qq{$_<br>\n}; 42: }else{ 43: print '<dd>', a({-href => "tar.cgi?action=show _content&file=$_&tar=$tar"}, $_), '</dd>'; 44: } 45: } 46: } 47: sub show_content { 48: my $file = param('file'); 49: my $tar_obj = Archive::Tar->new($tar); 50: print qq{<pre> } . $tar_obj->get_content($file) . qq{</pre>}; 51: } 52: print p, a({-href=>$SCRIPT},"Home"); __END__
Kevin Meltzer <> is a co-author of Writing CGI Applications with Perl (Addison-Wesley, 2001), web content admin for Yet Another Society, and a Software Engineer for Verio. He has been programming with Perl since 1994.
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