Volume Properties
You can access a volume's properties sheet by right-clicking the volume in Disk Management and selecting Properties. The Properties sheet, as shown in Figure 3, gives you a variety of information about the volume and configuration options, which are described in the following list.
Figure 3 Volume properties.
General: The General tab contains general information about the disk, such as the file system, used space, free space, and a pie graph showing you how much free space is available. You have the option of launching Disk Cleanup (described later in this article) and also of compressing the drive or indexing the drive.
Tools: The Tools tab allows you to run Error-Checking, Backup, and Defragmentation.
Hardware: The Hardware tab contains standard information about the disk hardware, its status, and buttons to troubleshoot the hardware or view the hardware properties.
Sharing: The Sharing tab allows you to configure standard sharing options for the volume. You can share the volume, limit the number of users, set the permissions, and configure caching so the volume can be accessed offline. The caching option is normally used for documents and folders that users need to access. The caching option allows these documents to remain available even if the disk becomes offline.
Security: The Security tab allows you to configure security options for users who access the volume. You can allow or deny permissions to groups or particular users.
Quota: Disk quotas are new in Windows 2000 Server, and this feature provides you with a way to manage how much disk space users are allowed. This feature forces users to be more conservative with storage, and delete unnecessary files and folders. The Quota tab appears in Figure 4.
Once you enable quota management in the check box provided, you can deny disk space to users who exceed the quota limit. The Limit disk space boxes allow you to set the quota and also set a warning level so users will receive a warning notification when they are close to the quota. Logging options are available at the bottom of the window, and a Quota Entries button enables you to view quota events and usage. Although quota restrictions are a good way to manage disk space, you should make certain that quota restrictions are not too small for the needs of your users.
Web Sharing: The Web Sharing tab allows you to share the volume on a Web site. You can use the Aliases box to create aliases for the volume. This feature can be used to share the volume on an intranet so that users can access the volume in that manner.
Figure 4 Quota tab.