- Define the job's requirements.
- Define the essential and desirable qualities, preferences, and non-technical skills for a successful fit.
- Identify corporate cultural-fit factors.
- Define the necessary technical-skill level and the required educational background.
- Identify essential technical skills.
- Identify desirable technical skills.
- Evaluate educational or training requirements.
- Define all elimination factors.
- Think twice about elimination factors.
- Complete the job analysis worksheet.
- Points to Remember
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This chapter is from the book
Points to Remember
- Develop a job-analysis method for defining the position’s requirements. The interview team will use the requirements to evaluate a candidate’s work and cultural fit.
- Consider the context of your group and company when you analyze the job.
- A person’s qualities, preferences, and non-technical skills have a huge impact on his or her ability to work successfully in your organization. Understand what’s important to the company and to your group.
- Don’t make certification or formal education the basis for a job description or for a hiring decision unless your culture requires the degree or you’re building a professional services organization.
- When you require the services of a licensed professional, make the license a required component listed in the job analysis.
- Remember your company’s attributes when analyzing the job. What appeals to one candidate may not appeal to another, and you want to make sure you attract the candidates to whom your company will best appeal.
- Use elimination factors to eliminate people who won’t work out, even if they have all the other technical skills, qualities, and preferences to succeed in your culture. You will be doing yourself and the candidate a favor if you address these factors before the candidate accepts the job. Do not use elimination factors to discriminate.
- Record your requirements on a worksheet, so you can refer back to them when you want to hire again.
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