Because the viewer may not have the benefit of the original images, the effect of the morph depends on its capability to depict the characteristics of both objects used in the morphing with relative clarity. For this example, a light meter and a computer mouse (see Figure 1) were chosen because of their relative similarityand to create a type of metaphor for "computer photography."
The shape and size of these two objects is similar, and a morphing will blend those mutual characteristics while retaining those that are unique. The result of morphing is a successful blending of key elements into a new unique object.
Completing the alteration will require the distortion, detailing, and compositing of images. The goal of the exercise is to create an intermediate stage between them. Keeping basic elements of the mouse, such as the general shape and button, will make that suggestion apparent. The light meter's face and dial are the prominent features, and they will help anchor its identity. Of course, some trade-offs will have to occur as the distortion of the objects progresses, but keeping the major elements intact can help hint at the origin of the objects.