- Linux: The Choice of Network Engineers
- Is Your Home System at Risk?
- What's Safe?
- Is Your Home System a Server?
- Are Broadband Connections More Vulnerable?
- What Ports are Open?
- Using Netstat to List Ports
- Is Windows File Sharing a Risk?
- Using a Port Scan to Test Your System
- Checking for Windows NetBIOS Risks
- Definitions
Is Windows File Sharing a Risk?
Consider a Windows computer with NetBIOS file sharing enabled on it. How vulnerable is it?
First, the computer must have file sharing enabled and bound to TCP/IP. Then, you have to configure shares (drives and files for sharing) on your system. If you haven't done that, then there is no potential risk.
If you have file sharing turned on and shares are configured, then you can take the next step to see if your system is vulnerable.