- Understanding Theme Differences Between WordPress.org and WordPress.com
- Exploring WordPress Theme Layout Options
- Exploring WordPress Theme Pricing Options
- Five Steps to Choosing the Perfect Theme
- Searching for and Activating a Theme (WordPress.com)
- Searching for and Installing a Theme (WordPress.org)
- Uploading a Theme (WordPress.org)
- Using Live Preview
- Activating a Different Theme
- Customizing Your Theme
- Other Theme Customization Options (WordPress.org)
- Deleting a Theme (WordPress.org)
This chapter is from the book
Exploring WordPress Theme Pricing Options
WordPress themes are available in a variety of price ranges. Your options include the following:
- Free themes—With thousands of free themes available, the hardest part is choosing just one. You can find free themes by searching the Manage Themes screen within WordPress. If you use WordPress.org, also check out the WordPress Free Themes Directory at http://wordpress.org/extend/themes. Although the price is right with free themes, you might require more flexibility, features, or support for your business or professional site.
- Premium themes—Premium themes offer advanced features not found in most free themes and often include technical support and updates. Most premium themes are priced below $100, so the investment might be worthwhile if you’re creating a site for business.
- Custom themes—The most expensive option is a custom-designed theme that you can upload to your WordPress.org site. If you want a theme that’s unique only to your site, a custom theme is the way to go. Keep in mind, however, that hiring an experienced designer to create a custom theme can be pricey.