Data Dictionaries
Another significant part of the RosettaNet model is the data dictionaries. The RosettaNet data dictionaries define the attributes for PIPs. Two types of dictionaries play a role in defining PIP attributes:
Business dictionaryDefines the business data entities and business properties for a PIP. This is currently in a version 2.0 revision.
Technical dictionaryDefines product categories and properties. There are two technical dictionaries. The EC Technical Dictionary (ECTD) defines product categories and attributes for electronic components market. For instance, product definitions for passive devices provide a listing of properties that describe a passive device. The IT Technical Dictionary (ITTD) defines product categories and attributes for IT-related products. The ITTD definitions for IT products are available in various formats, including .xml, .123, and .dtd files. Both the ECTD and the ITTD are currently in revision 1.1.