The centerpiece of the RosettaNet model is the partner interface process (PIP). The PIP defines the activities, decisions, and interactions that each e-business trading participant is responsible for.
As defined by RosettaNet, all PIPs must have a measurable business outcome, must not be proprietary, and must encapsulate a distinct unit of work. For instance, PIP3Ai is a defined specification for the order management process. In particular, this PIP specification outlines in detail the quote and order entry process so that a buyer can request product quotes from a seller. During any part of the process, if a party fails to perform a defined service, the RosettaNet convention renders the business transaction void.
The PIP specification has three primary sections:
Business Operational View (BOV)Defines in business process terms, the business data entities, and the roles of the participants.
Functional Service View (FSV)Defines the network component services necessary to execute a PIP. It consists of network component design and network component interactions.
Implementation Framework View (IFV)Defines the communication protocols and message formats supported by network components.
Further details about PIPs can be obtained from the RosettaNet Web site.