- Introduction
- Understanding Formulas
- Creating a Simple Formula
- Creating a Formula Using Formula AutoComplete
- Editing a Formula
- Understanding Cell Referencing
- Using Absolute Cell References
- Using Mixed Cell References
- Using 3-D Cell References
- Naming Cells and Ranges
- Entering Named Cells and Ranges
- Managing Names
- Simplifying a Formula with Ranges
- Displaying Calculations with the Status Bar
- Calculating Totals with AutoSum
- Calculating Totals with Quick Analysis
- Performing One Time Calculations
- Converting Formulas and Values
- Correcting Calculation Errors
- Correcting Formulas
- Auditing a Worksheet
- Locating Circular References
- Performing Calculations Using Functions
- Creating Functions
- Creating Functions Using the Library
- Calculating Multiple Results
- Using Nested Functions
- Using Constants and Functions in Names
Performing One Time Calculations
Sometimes you may want to perform simple calculations, such as dividing each value in a range by 4, without having to take the time to use a formula. You can use the Paste Special command to perform simple mathematical operations, such as Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide. If you want to perform a more complex function, you can create a temporary formula to accomplish a one-time task. For example, if you want to display a list of names in proper case with only the first letter of each name in uppercase, you can use the Proper function.
Perform One Time Simple Calculations without Using a Formula
Select an empty cell, and then enter the number you want to use in a calculation.
Click the Home tab.
Click the Copy button.
Select the range you want to use in the calculation.
Click the Paste button arrow, and then click Paste Special.
Click the operation option you want to use: Add, Subtract, Multiply, or Divide.
Click OK.
Press Esc to cancel Copy mode.
The operation is applied to the contents of each cell in the range. The formula in each cell is changed to include the new operation.
Perform One Time Calculations Using a Formula
Create a temporary formula in an unused cell, typically a column out of the way. Select an empty cell at the top, type = (equal sign), and then type a function, such as Proper().
Click the Home tab.
If you want to change a range of data, use the fill down handle to copy the formula to unused cells.
Select the cell or range with the formula.
Click the Copy button.
Select the cell you want to change the contents with the formula.
Click the Paste button arrow, and then click Paste Special.
Click the Values option.
Click OK.
The original data is replaced with the changed data.
When you’re done with the temporary formulas, select the cells, and delete them.