“Plus Tags” are a simple way to identify other Google+ accounts or pages in your content. +Tags provide the reader with a clickable “chip” where they can go to view the account or page of the person you are referencing. To use them, just type the + sign followed by the first few letters of the person or page you want to +Tag. Google+ should start to auto-fill the content and provide you with a drop-down box that includes names you can select. Frequently referenced accounts or pages will generally be listed at the top. The +Tag function works similarly to the @name in Twitter and Facebook. +Tags work for pages and personal names and accounts. As you can see from Figure 1.9, as you start typing the name, Google+ will first go through your circles and then general Google+ profiles and look for matches (it looks at the beginning of the words, not just first names). Click the name you would like to tag to include it in your content.
Figure 1.9. +Tags in action.