- Part 1: Bartik Explained
- Theme Settings
- Part 2: Enabling Themes Explained
- Part 3: Installing Themes Explained
- Installing the Danland Theme
- Installing the Zero Point Theme
- Installing the Company Theme
- Installing the Sky Theme
- Part 3: Finding Themes Explained
- Avoiding Starter themes, Theme frameworks, Base themes
- Evaluating Themes
- Commercial Themes
- Artisteer
- A Final Note on How Themes Get Built
- Practice
- What?s Next?
Installing the Sky Theme
The themes we have installed and tested so far have been fairly straightforward, each one offering a different design, a different layout and some different features.
We’re now going to look at the Sky theme which is an example of a more complicated theme. The Sky theme is a subtheme which means that it relies on another theme to work. The Sky theme requires a base theme called AdaptiveTheme in order to work correctly.
- Find a theme.
- Go to http://drupal.org/project/sky.
- Copy the tar.gz link for the Drupal 7 version of this theme.
- Install the theme.
- Go to your site then click Appearance.
- Click Install new theme.
- Paste the link into the Install from URL field and then click Install.
- Click Enable newly added themes.
- Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for http://drupal.org/project/adaptivetheme.
- Turn on the theme.
- Click Enable and set default next to the Sky theme.
- You do not have to enable AdaptiveTheme. It simply needs to be installed.
- Set up the theme.
- Click on Settings for the sky theme
- As you can see, you now have many, many more options that you did for any previous theme. Many of these options will be useful for more experienced users, but confusing for beginners. Let’s change one of the simpler settings. Click the middle box for the Choose sidebar positions setting, as in Figure 9.24.

Figure 9.24 The Choose sidebar position setting for the Sky theme
5. Go to your homepage and see how the Sky theme appears on your site as in Figure 9.25.

Figure 9.25 Your site with Sky as the default theme
You’ll notice that your Main menu is missing and that the third column, that we just choose in the settings, is not being used. Let’s go and fix those issues.
- Go to Structure then Blocks.
- Scroll down to the Disabled area and find the Main menu block.
- Choose Menu bar from the dropdown next to the Main menu block.
- In the Disabled area and find the Most recent poll block.
- Choose Sidebar second from the dropdown next to the Most recent poll block.
- Click Save blocks.
Visit your homepage and you’ll now see that it looks like Figure 9.26 below. Notice that the dropdown menu doesn’t work yet. The Sky theme, as with many things, is more complicated that most of themes we’ve looked at in this chapter. We’d need to go to http://drupal.org/project/sky and view the documentation for the Sky theme in order to see how to set up the dropdown menu correctly.

Figure 9.26 Your site with Sky as the default theme, with extra blocks published