- Part 1: Bartik Explained
- Theme Settings
- Part 2: Enabling Themes Explained
- Part 3: Installing Themes Explained
- Installing the Danland Theme
- Installing the Zero Point Theme
- Installing the Company Theme
- Installing the Sky Theme
- Part 3: Finding Themes Explained
- Avoiding Starter themes, Theme frameworks, Base themes
- Evaluating Themes
- Commercial Themes
- Artisteer
- A Final Note on How Themes Get Built
- Practice
- What?s Next?
Theme Settings
You don’t have to replace Bartik to change the look and feel of your site. Bartik has settings that allow you to customize your site’s look and feel without changing any code. Let’s show you how that’s done. Click Settings in the Bartik theme area.

Figure 9.4 The Settings link for Bartik
You’ll now see the settings available for Bartik (see Figure 9.5).

Figure 9.5 The settings for Bartik
Color Scheme
The first setting we see in Figure 9.5 is the color scheme setting. So, if you prefer red, green, yellow, or some other color scheme, you can use this option to change from Drupal blue to you’re a color of your choosing.
- Select a color scheme from the color set dropdown as in Figure 9.6.
- Scroll down a little and you’ll see a preview of the color scheme you selected as in Figure 9.7.
- If you like the new color scheme, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save configuration.
- Go to your homepage and see the change.
- Click on Appearance and then Settings for Bartik to return to color scheme feature.
- Experiment by manually changing one of the color codes by clicking in the color field of your choice and moving the color selector wheel as shown in Figure 9.8.
- If you like the new color scheme, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save configuration.
- Go to your homepage and see the change.

Figure 9.6 The color scheme settings for Bartik

Figure 9.7 A preview of a color scheme used with Bartik

Figure 9.8 The color wheel and options in Bartik
Repeat as many times as you like. Remember, you can always return to the Drupal blue by selecting Blue Lagoon (Default) from the Color set dropdown.
Toggle Display
Below the Color Scheme settings is another area called Toggle Display as shown in Figure 9.9.

Figure 9.9 The color scheme settings for Bartik
The Toggle Display options show the features that the theme supports. Some themes support hundreds of features and some themes support none. A theme’s features rely entirely on the designer of the theme.
Let’s experiment with one of the features.
- Make sure the Site Slogan checkbox is checked.
- Scroll to the bottom and Save configuration.
- Click Configuration in the black menu bar.
- Click Site Information.
- Type this short slogan in the Slogan field: “Drupal Rocks!”
- Click Save configuration.
- Return to the homepage and see the slogan appear under the name of your site as in Figure 9.10.

Figure 9.10 Your Drupal site with a slogan displaying
Logo Image Settings
- Click Appearance and then Settings for Bartik.
- Uncheck the Use the default logo box.
- Click Save configuration.
You will now have the option to upload your own logo as in Figure 9.11. You’re welcome to use your own image, but we also have one that you can use at http://drupal7explained.com/chapter9.

Figure 9.11 Uploading a new logo to use with Bartik
Visit the front of your homepage, and it will look like Figure 9.12.
Figure 9.12 Site with completed new logo