- A guide to securing your home computer system with a Linux firewall
- Is your home system at risk?
- What's safe?
- Is your home system a server?
- Are broadband connections more vulnerable?
- What ports are open?
- Using netstat to list ports
- Is Windows file sharing a risk?
- Using a port scan to test your system
- Checking for Windows NetBIOS risks
- Definitions
Is Windows file sharing a risk?
Consider a Windows computer with NetBIOS file sharing enabled on it. How vulnerable is it?
First, the computer must have file sharing enabled and bound to TCP/IP. Then, you have to configure shares (drives and files for sharing) on your system. If you haven't done that, then there is no potential risk. For an in-depth report on the security risks involved with a Windows network, see "CIFS: Common Insecurities Fail Scrutiny."
If you have file sharing turned on and shares are configured, then you can take the next step to see if your system is vulnerable.