- Lottery Scams
- Vote for Me
- Do Not Call
- Cellphone Cameras
- A Danger in the Workplace
- Identity Theft and the ATM
- Mailboxes and Identity Theft
- More Mail Scams
- Identity Theft Threats on the Road
- Identity Theft When Giving to Charities
- Job Scams
- Danger Where You Never Would Expect It
- More Tips for Making Yourself Safer from Identity Theft
More Mail Scams
In 2012, the postmaster of Newton, Kansas, warned customers of a scam involving people receiving e-mails purported to be from the Postal Service telling customers that a package is being held for them at the post office and that they are being charged a fee for every day that the item has not been retrieved. The e-mail also contains a link for the customer to click on for further information. Unfortunately, if you click on the link, you will download keystroke-logging malware that will steal your personal information from your computer.