Using the Struts Framework to Develop a Message Board--Part 7: Final Steps
- Using the Struts Framework to Develop a Message Board--Part 7: Final Steps
- Closing Time
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In this seven-part series, Java expert Maneesh Sahu explores how to use Apache Software Foundation's Struts framework to develop a Web-based message board. In part 7, he walks through the final steps of creating a message board.
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In this final article, we will use HTML frames to piece together the different views in the message board application.
Create an HTML frame to connect the pieces together, as shown in Listing 1.
Listing 1 mboard.html—The All-Encompassing Frame
<frameset rows="50,*"> <frame src="header.html"> <frameset cols="*,*"> <frame src="" name="board"> <frame src="help.jsp" name="message"> </frameset> </frameset>
The HTML file header.html contains the header for the message board, like this:
<center><h1>AuctionStation Message Board</h1></center>
Launch mboard.html in your browser. Figure 1 displays the frame after a set of posts by some users.
Frames in action
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