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Creating the Localized Resource Bundles
You will need to create properties files for each locale that your application is supporting. The file will contain key-value pairs for each message thats used in your JSPs and classes, as shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4 ApplicationResouces.propertiesMessage Key-Value Pairs for the Default (English) Locale
errors.header=<hr/><font color="red">The form could not be processed: </font><ul> errors.footer=</ul><hr/> error.name.missing=<li>Name is a required field</li> error.email.missing=<li>Email is a required field</li> error.body.missing=<li>Message should contain a body</li> error.called.directly=No message to add error.parent.notexist=Parent message doesn't exist help.title=Can we help with the bulletin board help.create=Post a message help.board=View the bulletin board help.missing=The message {0} doesn't exist help.oops=Oops! help.title=Message board help page identity.email=Email: identity.name=Name: identity.title=Identify yourself message.name=Name message.email=Email message.subject=Subject message.body=Body message.title=Create a new Message showmessage.name=Name showmessage.reply=Reply showmessage.subject=subject showmessage.when=Date input.button.reset=Reset input.button.submit=Submit
The errors.header and errors.footer messages are used to describe the header and footer that display the errors encountered while validating the form.
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