Using NOOK for Web
When you start NOOK for Web, the NOOK Book opens either to the publisher’s default starting position (if this is the first time you are opening this on any device) or to the last location you were reading whether that was in NOOK for Web or on any NOOK app, application, or device. Let’s get oriented to this screen (see Figure 5).
Figure 5 NOOK for Web’s reading screen.
- The Contents menu displays that book’s table of contents (see Figure 6). Simply click the table of contents entry you want to advance to. The browser screen will refresh to that location.
- The Text menu displays text display options (see Figure 7). To adjust the size of the text, click the A you want. The current size is displayed in a turquoise color. When you click the size, the text changes in the background. To change the font (the current font is displayed in a turquoise color), click the font you want. It changes in the background. I recommend choosing the font you want first, then adjusting the size.
Figure 6 The Contents menu for a NOOK Book.
If you want to use the Publisher’s Defaults to display text size and particular font, click the Publisher’s Defaults checkbox. You can always click it again to turn it off.
By default, NOOK for Web displays books in a two-column format. If, however, you prefer to see only one column, click Single Page Layout, which shifts the view from two-columns to one-column.
Figure 7 The Text menu for a NOOK Book.
- The Share menu displays the different options you have for sharing your reading experience (see Figure 8).
Figure 8 The Share menu for a NOOK Book.
If you click Rate and Review, a dialog box appears (see Figure 9). Indicate a number of stars for the review, type in a headline for your review (for example, “Fantastic trip through philosophy!”), and enter your review. The review will be shared on, where other B&N shoppers can see what you have said. Additionally, if you click the Facebook or Twitter buttons, the review will be shared on those respective sites as well with the accounts linked to your account. Click Submit Review when you are ready to share with
Figure 9 Rate and Review a NOOK Book.
If you click Recommend, you see the dialog box in Figure 10. You can recommend this book via Facebook, Twitter, or email. Click the Facebook tab to recommend on Facebook. It defaults to displaying the recommendation as a post on your timeline. If you want to recommend to one of your Facebook friend’s timeline, click the people button and select the friend from the drop-down menu. Type your message and click Recommend.
Figure 10 Recommend a NOOK Book.
Click the Twitter tab to recommend on Twitter. Enter your recommendation and click Recommend.
Click the Email tab to recommend via email. Select from the drop-down list the email you want, type your message, and click Recommend.
Click Like on Facebook, if you want to post on your Facebook timeline that you like that book. If you have liked it already, the menu option here is Unlike on Facebook. Click it to unlike it.
- The About menu displays two options: Book Details and More Books Like This (see Figure 11). If you click Book Details, a dialog box appears (see Figure 12). The information here is pretty standard stuff: author, title, format, and cover. You can read the Overview, which is a short description of the book. You can also click Customer Reviews to see what others have said. If you click Find Other Formats, the B&N product page for this book appears so that you can buy the hardcover, trade paperback, audio, or whatever format it is available in. If you click Learn About NOOK, your browser switches to the NOOK device product page.
Figure 11 The About menu for a NOOK Book.
Figure 12 The Book Details dialog.
If you click More Books Like This, a dialog appears (see Figure 13). This dialog has two options: More Like This and More by This Author. More Like This shows book that B&N thinks are similar. If you click one of the covers, NOOK for Web opens a sample of that book, with a Buy Now button should you want to purchase it (see Figure 14). If you click More by This Author, you see more titles by that author. Click the cover to open a sample in NOOK for Web.
Figure 13 The More Books Like This dialog.
Figure 14 Samples allow you to buy now.
- If you click Full Screen, the window around the reading screen (so the browser’s menus and open and close buttons) and anything outside that window disappear (see Figure 15). All the functionality is the same, but it provides a more pristine reading experience. (When you first start switch to full screen, you may see a message that tell you your browser if full screen; this will disappear in a few minutes). To exit full screen, either press Esc on your computer or click Full Screen again.
- If you click Simple View, the Contents, Font, Share, About, Full Screen, My Library, and Shop links disappear and Simple View changes to a nondescript two downward arrows in gray. Click those to leave simple view.
Figure 15 Reading a NOOK Book in Full Screen.
To advance forward or backward in the book, you have a few options. First, you could use the Contents menu and click the location. Second, you can click either the previous page or next page buttons either side of the text to advance or retreat a single page. Press the left or right arrow buttons on your computer will do the same. Third, you can use the Page Scroll feature at the bottom of the page. With this, you can either click directly some place on the scroll bar and your screen will jump immediately to that page, or you can click and hold the turquoise circle and drag to the location you want and release the mouse button.
If your book contains footnotes, those will look like hyperlinks (colored blue). You can click the footnote and it will take you to the location. Click the corresponding link in the footnotes to go back. For example, if you click footnote B in the main body, when you go to the footnotes, you will see B next to the actual footnote. Click that B to go back to the main text.
The last few options at the top of the screen are a welcome note, My Library, and Shop. You can click Sign Out to sign out. Doing so takes you back to You can click Sign In to sign in under a different account or just re-sign in. If you started reading a sample without being signed in, then Sign Out is, instead, Sign In. Click that to sign in. If you click My Library, you are taken to My NOOK Library at Click Shop takes you to’s NOOK Book Store, where you can browse and shop for more NOOK Books.
That’s all there is to NOOK for Web. You can access your NOOK Books without having a NOOK device or app.